Popular fields of study in Canada

Canada has more than 100 universities, colleges and educational centers that offer more than 15,000 courses in different degrees and fields of study. If you intend to immigrate to this country and are looking for popular fields of study in Canada, you must first answer the following questions to better understand your purpose of choosing a field of study in Canada. 

Are you aiming to choose the most popular courses in Canada, the courses that have the highest study visas among international students? Or is your goal to choose fields that have a good job market in Canada and therefore you intend to study in that field? Or is your goal to choose fields that are known as high-paying fields in Canada?

Regardless of your interests and potential, are you just looking to study in a field that has a good market in Canada or do you consider your interests, abilities and talents in choosing a study field in Canada? 

Pay attention to the fact that  a field may be one of the best fields for immigrating to Canada in terms of science, labor market, and income, but it does not match your talents, interests, and capabilities,  and you may not be able to succeed in that field.


Popular fields in Canada

In this section, a list of popular fields of study in Canada is given. By clicking on the title of each field, you can get complete information about the educational requirements and job conditions of that field in Canada.

Medical field in Canada

Long way to get a degree, high income

Civil engineering in Canada

Good job prospects especially in growing cities

Petroleum engineering in Canada

Suitable for working in oil cities like Calgary

Dentistry in Canada

Limited admissions in universities, simple employment and very high income

Computer engineering in Canada

Very good job market in North America

Chemical engineering in Canada

This field produces products through chemical production processes and technologies

Nursing in Canada

Accepting more Canadian students in universities

Electrical engineering in Canada

Suitable for those interested in working in Canada’s industrial sectors

MBA in Canada

Relatively simple entry, possibility to work in different service and industry sectors, good income

Pharmacy in Canada

The right field to quickly enter the job market

Architectural engineering in Canada

Suitable for construction work

Arts in Canada

It is possible to study art at bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral level.

Industrial engineering in Canada

The possibility of entering different sectors of industry and services

Architecture in Canada

If you have a creative mind and artistic taste, architecture can be your field

Law in Canada

Need to have strong academic requirements for admission to universities, high income

Mechanics in Canada

The field of mechanics has recently grown well in Canada

Psychology in Canada

Studying in this field requires strong English or French language skills



Good courses to immigrate to Canada

If you are looking for  the best courses to immigrate to Canada  , first ask yourself what skills and talents you have. What are your interests? How is your persistence and seriousness in doing academic and work matters? The answers to these questions will help you to choose a field that is in line with your abilities, skills and talents, and after graduation, you can work in Canada in that field and be successful.

Therefore, providing a list of the best majors to immigrate to Canada does not mean that those majors are necessarily suitable for you even if they have a good job market. In the following, we mention a number of good fields for immigrating to Canada.



It should be noted that most of the fields mentioned in the table above are also offered at the doctoral level in Canadian universities.


What field should I choose to study in Canada?

If you are at the beginning of your educational immigration to Canada and you still don’t know what field to choose to study in this country? Or what field is more suitable for you in terms of chances of getting a visa? In this section, we answer these questions.

To choose the right course in Canada, consider the following points:

  • First, evaluate your educational conditions, such as GPA, language score, and academic background;
  • Then search for fields related to your previous degree in Canadian universities and choose a few universities whose admission requirements for the field you want are compatible with your study conditions.
  • Give preference to fields related to your educational background. But if you don’t meet the admission requirements for related fields of study, consider interdisciplinary fields such as management, business, finance, leadership, etc. There is no need for relevant academic records to be admitted to these fields, and you can usually apply for them with any field.
  • You may be interested in a field but have no chance of getting admission in that field, or because it is not related to your educational and career path, it will reduce your visa chances. Therefore, to increase the chances of obtaining a Canadian student visa, do not always prioritize your interest in the field and pay attention to its relevance to your academic and career records. However, after obtaining a visa, it is possible to change your field and study in your favorite field.

At Visa Mundial, we have experienced experts in obtaining Canadian study visas and admissions. Therefore, we suggest a course and university for admission that has a higher chance of obtaining a Canadian study visa.


The best courses to study in Canada

If you are looking for the best fields of study in Canada, we will introduce the top 5 fields along with their admission requirements. When choosing a field to study in Canada, pay attention to the Canadian study visa process. To get a Canadian study visa, it is necessary that the chosen field is related to your educational and work records.

Therefore, if your field of study is not in this list, it does not mean that you do not have a good field. If you are interested in your field and have already been successful in it, it is definitely suitable for continuing your studies and getting a Canadian study visa.


This field is one of the best fields to study in Canada, which is very demanding and provides you with a wide range of career options. By studying in this field, you will gain new skills and information and a comprehensive understanding of the business world.

Some of the business management occupations that are facing a shortage in Canada include  management consulting, banking, and financial investment  .


The best universities in Canada to study business management

  • McGill University
  • University of York
  • Smith School of Business at Queen’s University
  • Rotman School of Business at the University of Toronto

Requirements for admission to business management courses in Canada

The requirements for admission to business management courses in Canada vary depending on the degree and university, but in general, you need the following conditions:

  • GPA:  at least 15
  • Language score:  IELTS at least 7 or its equivalent (a very limited number of universities accept students with a score of 6.5)
  • GRE score of at least 300 or GMAT score of at least 500  (a very limited number of universities accept admission without GRE and GMAT scores)
  • Having experience in leadership and executive work  (does not include all universities)


Computer science and information technology are among the most lucrative careers in Canada, which is why many foreign students prefer to study in Canada. In order to improve students’ access to study in this field, the Canadian government offers a variety of scholarships at different levels of study.

After graduating in the field of computer science and IT in Canada, you can   work  in various jobs such as information systems analyst, database analyst, data science engineer, software engineer, computer programmer, web designer and developer, as well as an expert. cybersecurity.

The best universities in Canada to study computer science and information technology

  • University of British Columbia
  • University of Toronto
  • University of Waterloo
  • McGill University
  • McMaster University

Requirements for admission to computer science and information technology courses in Canada

The requirements for admission to computer science and IT courses in Canada vary depending on the degree and university, but in general, you need the following conditions:

  • GPA:  at least 14
  • Language score:  IELTS at least 6.5 or equivalent (a very limited number of universities with an IELTS score of 6 accept conditionally)
  • Canadian university supervisor’s approval:  required for research-oriented courses at the master’s or doctoral level.


In Canada, the number of engineering industry jobs has increased over time. Engineering graduates are in high demand in Canada and therefore have access to more job opportunities. Students who are familiar with software such as CAD and Auto-CAD have a better chance of entering specific jobs in the engineering field after graduation.

Engineering in Canada is taught by expert professors in a practical way. The Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET) has recognized Canadian universities as among the best universities in the world in the field of engineering.

Some of the fields of engineering in Canada that have high incomes include  aerospace engineering, environmental engineering, medical engineering, mechanical engineering, civil engineering, and marine architecture  .

The best universities in Canada to study engineering

  • University of Waterloo
  • University of Toronto
  • University of Alberta
  • McGill University

Requirements for admission to engineering courses in Canada

The requirements for admission to engineering courses in Canada vary depending on the degree and university, but in general, you need the following conditions:

  • GPA:  at least 14
  • Language score:  IELTS at least 6.5 or equivalent (a very limited number of universities with an IELTS score of 6 accept conditionally)
  • Canadian university supervisor’s approval:  required for research-oriented courses at the master’s or doctoral level.
  • Having an article published in a reputable scientific journal :   it is required for research-oriented fields in the master’s degree or doctoral degree.


The fields of life sciences and biological sciences are diverse, interesting and interdisciplinary. To study in these fields in Canada, you must have high skills and competence and do research in them.

Due to the high ranking of the curriculum of medical schools in Canada, foreign students from all over the world choose Canada as one of their study destinations.

Among the disciplines in this field,  preventive medicine, health promotion, human psychology, disease management, and disabilities  are most needed in Canada.

The best universities in Canada to study health and medicine

  • McGill University
  • Queen’s University
  • Dalhousie University
  • McMaster University

Requirements for admission to health sciences, biotechnology, pharmacy and medicine in Canada

  • GPA:  at least 15
  • Language score:  IELTS at least 7 or equivalent (some universities accept admission with an IELTS score of 6.5)


  • Some Canadian universities do not accept foreign students for health and medical fields.
  • Studying medicine in Canada is not directly possible for international students. First, they must study in one of the basic science fields such as biology, chemistry, or biological sciences at the bachelor’s level, and then take the entrance exam for the medical field called the MCAT test, and if they pass, they can study in this field.


The media major in Canada focuses on journalism, and with the rise of digital media, social networking sites, and internet marketing, the demand for journalism graduates is also increasing.

By effectively using mass media, media professionals have more opportunities to work in areas such as history and political issues and social problems. This is because media is a combination of subjects like sociology, psychology, philosophy, anthropology and politics and they use the best practices to communicate with the audience.

Students who graduate with a journalism degree in Canada can work as reporters, assistant producers, assistant media managers, social media managers, media planners, or media launch managers.

The best universities in Canada to study media and journalism

  • University of Toronto
  • Queen’s University
  • Western University
  • University of Waterloo

Requirements for admission to media and journalism programs in Canada

The requirements for admission to media and journalism in Canada vary depending on the degree and university, but in general, you need the following conditions:

  • GPA:  at least 15
  • Language score:  IELTS at least 7 or equivalent (some universities require an IELTS score of 8)
  • Having high writing skills


To obtain a Canadian study visa, it is important that your previous field of study is related to the new field of study that you are accepting or that the new field of study is among interdisciplinary fields such as management, business, finance, etc. 

If you want to study in one of the most popular fields in Canada, but your educational background is different from it, there is nothing to worry about. After receiving a Canadian study visa and entering Canada, you can change your university and field of study and, for example, study in a college of your choice and pass the prerequisites if necessary. 


What fields have a good job market in Canada?


Studying an MBA in Canada gives you wide career opportunities and exposes you to a network of diverse businesses, new knowledge and skills, and an overview of the business world.

Almost 40% of CEOs of Fortune 500 companies have an MBA degree. The MBA field has been one of the most demanded fields in the last 5 decades.

Graduates of computer science and computer engineering and software and IT specialists are always in high demand all over the world, including in Canada. In recent years, IT project manager and software engineer jobs have been among the top 10 jobs in Canada.


Required jobs in computer science and IT fields in Canada

  • Information Systems Analysts and Consultants
  • Database Analysts and Data Administrators
  • Software Engineers and Designers
  • Computer Programmers and Interactive Media Developers
  •  Web Designers and Developers
  • Dev-Op & Cyber ​​Security Professionals

Canada’s technology industry has 488,000 IT professionals working in various fields such as project management, software development, data analysis and information security. In one year, technology jobs in Canada increased by 11,500 jobs, making it one of the fastest growing sectors in Canada.


Wages and salaries of computer science and IT jobs in Canada 2022

The average annual salary for information technology (IT) jobs in Canada is around $120,000,  with the salary of people with less experience around $62,200 and the salary of people with years of experience around 196,000.

In the following, we examine the salaries of some jobs in this field:

  • Artificial intelligence developer:  $137,000
  • Software engineer:  $118,000
  • Data Analyst:  $114,000 
  • Web Developer:  $99,600


Finance always plays a vital role in the economy of a country and is among the most demanded and needed fields in Canada. Earning a degree in finance will give you a thorough understanding of the workings and applications of financial markets. Finance and Economics allows you to develop a wide range of transferable skills.


Business and finance fields of employment in Canada

  • Asset management
  • brokerage
  • Investment management 
  • Banking
  • Insurance 
  • investment


Wages and salaries of business and finance jobs in Canada 2022

The average annual salary for business and finance jobs in Canada is around $123,000,  the salary of people with less experience is around 49,800 and the salary of people with years of experience is around 247,000.

In the following, we examine the salaries of some jobs in this field:

  • Accounting Manager: $178,000
  • Accountant: $80,600
  • CFO: $226,000
  • Investment fund manager: $193,000
  • Investment analyst: $173,000


In recent years, engineering jobs in Canada have increased steadily, and therefore, studying in engineering fields will bring a good future job in Canada. Currently, the provinces of Ontario and Quebec have good job markets for engineers, followed by the cities of Calgary and Edmonton with the strongest engineering markets.

Engineers who know AutoCAD, CATIA or other industrial standard software have many fans in Canada and can get the job of their choice.


Required jobs in the field of engineering and engineering management in Canada

  • mechanical engineering
  • civil engineering
  • Electrical and electronic engineering
  • chemical engineering
  • Industrial engineering and production engineering
  • Engineering Management


Wages and salaries of engineering and engineering management jobs in Canada 2022

The average annual salary of engineers in Canada is about $101,000  , the salary of people with less experience is about $58,500 and the salary of people with years of experience is about $213,000.

In the following, we examine the salaries of some jobs in this field:

  • Civil Engineer: $107,000,000
  • Electrical Engineer: $116,000,000
  • Mechanical engineer: $115,000
  • Engineering Manager: $138,000,000


Renewable energy is an important source of energy in Canada. In addition to wind energy and solar energy, Canada is also actively investing in the bioenergy sector (forestry industry). This creates excellent career opportunities for graduates in forestry and biotechnology.

Energy is essential for economic growth and plays a huge role in the environment. With the decline of fossil fuels and climate change, renewable energy is becoming more popular. The energy industry currently plays a key role in creating jobs in Canada.


Top majors in Physics and Earth Sciences and Renewable Energy in Canada

  • Physics and astronomy
  • Medical physics and nanotechnology
  • Earth sciences and oceanography
  • Petroleum engineering
  • mine
  • Geology
  • Geoinformatics
  • renewable energy


The increase in world population has caused many problems including climate change, global warming and food security. Agricultural science can play an essential role in solving these problems. Therefore, like India and other foreign countries, the career prospects of agricultural and forestry sciences in Canada are excellent.


Jobs needed in the field of agricultural and forestry sciences in Canada

  • Agricultural scientist
  • Forestry consultant
  • Agricultural consultant and expert


As long as there is life on our planet, the importance of medicine, life sciences, biotechnology and pharmaceuticals will always exist.

The field of biological and life sciences is broad, interdisciplinary and exciting. In recent years, Canada has needed more graduates in the field of biological sciences, health and medicine.


Fields required in the field of biological sciences, medicine and health in Canada

  • Biological Sciences
  • Biotechnology
  • Pharmacy
  • nursing 
  • Medicine and dentistry


With the rise of digital media, social networking sites and online marketing, the demand for skilled professionals in these fields is increasing exponentially in Canada. New age career paths such as digital marketing and digital design are taking over traditional paths. In addition, technology and banking sectors are also actively looking for UX / UI design professionals.


Employment fields of media and journalism in Canada

  • Digital media 
  • Advertising
  • Marketing
  • public relations
  • journalism
  • Interactive media
  • UX/UI design 
  • Graphic design and creative design


  • Mathematics, statistics, actuarial (insurance statistics, mathematical statistics) and analytical science

The field of Big Data in Canada has created a great demand for quantitative and analytical professionals. Mathematics and analytics disciplines are used in a variety of sectors, including financial services, retail, healthcare, media, and more. More recently, other sections such as education, manufacturing and sports are also using analytics to gain a competitive edge.


Other disciplines that have a good market in Canada are psychology and human resources. Employers are always looking for talented and skilled workers. But hiring and paying such professionals is always a challenge for companies around the world. That’s why companies are putting more effort into upskilling and training their current employees. 

This has caused counseling psychologists, career counselors, industrial psychologists and human resource specialists to have more job opportunities in Canada and be more in demand by companies.  


Money making fields in Canada

 Canada, like any other country, there are a number of fields of study that are considered among the highest paying fields of study in Canada. In this section, we mention these money-making fields.


1. Doctor

Annual income: 253,843 thousand dollars

Medicine is probably the highest paying profession in Canada. Physician salaries can increase to $300,000 per year, especially for surgeons, cardiologists, radiologists, or anesthesiologists.


2. Dentist 

Annual income: $177,266,000

Dentistry in Canada is not covered by government insurance. Therefore, dentists are free to set up their own private practices and this comes with significant income.


3. psychologist

Annual income: 138,000 thousand dollars

The use of psychotherapy is a growing trend among people because they have realized the importance of mental health. Therefore, studying psychology brings a good future job and it is one of the most demanded and needed jobs in Canada that also has a high income.


4. Registered Nurse

Annual income: 89,579 thousand dollars

According to a survey in which 92% of Canadians had very positive opinions about nurses, nurses can be considered among the most respected professionals in Canada.


5. optometrist

Optometrist’s annual income: $103,328,000



1. Product Owner

Annual income: $118,650,000


2. Full Stack Developer

Annual income: 87,915 thousand dollars

These fields are one of the most popular fields of computer science and IT, which are rapidly changing as technology changes every day, and are among the highest paying jobs in Canada.



1. architecture

Annual income: 94,153 thousand dollars

If you are interested in the field of art and at the same time you want to have a high-paying job, the field of architecture is a good option. Regardless of where you want to live, this job offers great financial security in Canada and is always in demand. 


Annual income: 128,221 thousand dollars

Studying in the fields of mining industry is not suitable for everyone, because after graduation, you must have high physical and mental ability to work in this field. However, these jobs are high paying in Canada. 


Annual income: 97,744 thousand dollars

If you are tempted to study law, you should know that not all lawyers do the same thing, and for example, there are many differences between the life of a prosecutor and the life of a divorce lawyer. Choose law majors based on your personal interests. This field is one of the most profitable fields in Canada. 


Popular art majors in Canada

Art careers are projected to grow 14 percent from 2020 to 2030, so now is a great time to pursue an art degree. Art jobs in Canada are in demand and the best way to enter the job market of these fields is to acquire academic knowledge and study at its universities or colleges. 

If you are interested in studying arts, here is a list of arts in Canada. Some of these fields are offered in universities and others in colleges and at different levels of education, such as diploma, bachelor’s, master’s and doctorate.

By studying in the field of fine arts, you are trained in the field of visual arts. Visual arts include oil painting, watercolor, drawing, printing, photography and sculpture. By studying in this field and gaining the necessary knowledge, you will be able to prepare a portfolio of your work and use it to search for a job and enter the labor market.

With a fine arts degree, you can work as an art director, artist, photographer, and multimedia designer.


The best universities in Canada to study fine arts

  • University of Toronto
  • University of British Columbia
  • University of Alberta
  • McMaster University
  • Emily Carr University of Art and Design
  • University of Waterloo


  • Graphic Design

In graphic design, various types of graphic elements (photos, paintings, drawings) and textual elements are used and they are implemented in various media such as magazines, books, and media and television advertisements. The purpose of creating graphic designs is to attract the attention of the audience and encourage them to perform an action such as buying a product.

By getting a graphic design degree in Canada, you show future employers that you have a comprehensive education in graphic arts technology and know how to use it.

With a degree in graphic design  , you can work in other jobs such as multimedia artist, animator, marketing specialist, art director, product developer, production artist, user interface designer (UI) or user experience designer (UX). get to work


Universities and colleges in Canada to study graphic design 

A number of Canadian universities and colleges that offer graphic design courses include:

  • Laval University School of Design
  • Fraser Valley University
  • Ontario College of Art and Design (OCAD)
  • University of York
  • Emily Carr University of Art and Design
  • KPU University (KPU)


Digital art is art that is produced with the help of technology and completely on a computer. In this method, it is necessary to scan your drawn images and upload them to the computer, and then complete the work with the help of special software.

By studying Digital Arts, you will learn about sound, interactive design, illustration, digital 3D, animation, video and graphic design.

After graduating in the field of digital arts in Canada, there are many job opportunities in front of you. These jobs include television cameraman, television producer, art teacher, photographer, painter, illustrator, animator, editor, commercial or industrial designer, and art director.


Universities and colleges in Canada to study digital arts

  • University of British Columbia
  • University of York
  • Langara College 
  • Fraser Valley University


After earning your degree in cinematography and film/film production, you’ll be ready to start working as a professional videographer. In this profession, you will be responsible for how to create each scene in the film. Your options go beyond filmmaking as you can also work on TV shows, commercials and videos. You will also be eligible for film production. In this way, you will be responsible for the entire process of making a movie.


Universities and colleges in Canada to study filmmaking and film and video production

  • Ryerson University
  • Concordia University
  • University of York
  • Vancouver Film School
  • Toronto Film School


Fields of study in Canadian universities

There are 96 public universities in Canada that offer 15,000 courses in various fields. In the rest of the article, we refer to the fields of study that are offered in most public and private universities in Canada. Usually, each field of study consists of several related fields of study at different bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral levels.

Indigenous studies

Agricultural science

Anthropological studies

Applied Sciences

Architecture and design

Regional Studies

Arts and humanities



Chemical sciences

computer science

Creative and visual arts

Earth sciences and planetary sciences


Educational studies

Engineering and technology

Environmental science

Fine arts and design

Official science

Health sciences

History studies

Language and culture

Law and criminal justice

Life sciences

the literature



Studies and media production


Music studies and performance

natural Science

Nursing specialty

Performing Arts

Philosophy studies

Physics courses

political science

Psychological sciences


Religious studies


social Sciences

Sociological studies

Surgical specialties


High school courses in Canada

The education system of high schools in Canada is different from Iran. In Canadian high schools, there is no such thing as separate academic disciplines such as experimental sciences, mathematical sciences, humanities and arts. Instead, students take a certain number of compulsory and optional courses in each academic year, and based on them, they choose their field of study in college or university in the future.

Some of the compulsory high school subjects in Canada include mathematics, basic science, social science, and planning. Theater, Journalism, Acting, Art, Dance, Marketing, Law, Psychology, Management, Sports, Physics, Chemistry, Geology and Automotive are among the elective courses in Canadian high schools.

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