Frequently Asked Questions

Canadian visa

Is a Canadian visa guaranteed?

No, obtaining a visa is not guaranteed, and the decision on the outcome of the visas is the responsibility of the immigration officers of Canada. The task of immigration consultants and lawyers is to prepare the visa case and send it, and they cannot guarantee a positive result from it.

Is a Canadian visa free?

The answer to this question is no. Obtaining any type of visa requires spending money. Some of the costs are paid to the Canadian Immigration Service to review the visa case, and another part of the costs are spent on translations, preparation of documents, obtaining a language certificate, fingerprinting, etc.

How can you get a Canadian visa?

The first step to obtaining any type of visa is to check your conditions and then choose the best immigration method based on those conditions. In the next steps, it is necessary to prepare the documents required for that type of visa and submit your application online with the necessary documents through the website of the Immigration Department of Canada. Read the "how to get a Canadian visa" section of this article for more information.

What countries can you travel to on a Canadian visa?

Iranians can travel to other countries with a Canadian visa in addition to Canada itself:



Antigua and Barbuda Islands



Turks and Caicos Islands



Costa Rica



British Virgin Islands

Dominican Republic


North Macedonia

How long does it take to get a Canadian visa?

The duration of the case review varies depending on the type of visa. Canadian temporary residence visas usually last from one week to 6 months, and the result of Canadian permanent residence visas usually lasts from 6 months or more. This duration was expressed as an average, and experience has shown that the duration of the Canadian visa case review is constantly changing depending on the conditions of the embassy.

How old is a Canadian visa?

The validity period varies depending on the type of visa. For example, the validity of a study visa is the same as the length of study, work visas are usually 2 years old and tourist visas for Iranians are usually 5 years old.

How much bank balance is required for a Canadian tourist visa?

For a Canadian tourist visa, you need to provide banking as much as the cost of living for the time you are in Canada. Usually, the cost of a month of living in Canada is 2,000.

For example, if you want to stay in Canada for three months,you will need to offer at least 6,000,000 in bank funds. It is also necessary to purchase medical insurance for the duration of your presence in Canada. The cost of medical insurance is about ۵ 5 per day, and for three months, the amount is  450, which should be added to the total bank balance.

It is recommended for Iranians to provide more money.


Immigration to Canada

What is the easiest way to immigrate to Canada?

What method is the easiest way to immigrate to Canada depends on your individual circumstances. Each migration method has stages and takes time. But here are four of the most popular and simple ways to immigrate to Canada:

Express entry

Education immigration

Provincial selection programs PNP


Is free immigration to Canada possible?

No, a variety of costs are required to immigrate to Canada, such as the cost of translating documents, the cost of reviewing applications in various immigration programs, the cost of hiring an immigration lawyer if you want to have a lawyer, the cost of evaluating documents if necessary, as well as the cost of traveling to other countries to perform the Canadian fingerprinting process.

What is the language qualification

required to immigrate to Canada?

Canada accepts both English and French degrees for its immigration programs. In English, the IELTS General and Slipp general degrees are acceptable, and in French, the TEF (TEF), and the TSF (TCF) degrees.

The required language score also varies depending on each Canadian immigration program, which usually ranges from the skill level of CLB 4 to CLB 7.

What is temporary residence in Canada?

Temporary residence visa-TRV is a type of visa issued to applicants who intend to stay in the country for a short period of time and is the opposite of a permanent residence visa for Canada. Canadian student visas, Canadian work visas and Canadian tourist visas are temporary residence visas. To apply for this type of visa, you must convince the immigration officer that you will leave Canada after the expiry of your temporary residence permit.

Is it possible to obtain permanent residence in Canada through the birth of a child?

At first, you cannot obtain permanent residence in Canada by having a child in Canada, but your born child is considered a Canadian citizen according to the Canadian government's law. After your child reaches the legal age of 18, you can apply for a sponsored visa for your parents and obtain permanent residence in Canada.

What is the best job to immigrate to Canada?

In 2022 the 8 most sought after jobs in Canada include:

1. Accounting manager
The code for the job is 0601.
The salary is 50 an hour.
2. Developers Developer
The code for the job is 2174, 2175.
The salary is  38.46 an hour.
3. Marketing manager
The code for the job is 0124.
The salary is  43.27 an hour.
4. Official nurse
The code for the job is 3012.
The salary is  40 an hour.
5. Driver
The number of jobs is 7511, 7512, 7513, 7514.
The salary is Dollar 19.50 an hour.
6. Customer service representative
The code for the job is 6551, 6552.
The salary is 19 an hour.
7. Engineer
Job code: 2131, 2132, 2133, 2134, 2141, 2142, 2143, 2144, 2145, 2146, 2147, 2148
Salary: approximately 44 an hour
8. Accountant
The code for the job is 1111.
The salary is 35.75 an hour.


Is it easy to immigrate to Canada?

Yes. Canadian immigration programs are one of the easiest and fastest systems in the world that lead to permanent residency for applicants.

Is there an age requirement for immigration to Canada?

No, but age is one of the most important factors that affects immigration scoring systems. For example, the score does not apply to applicants over 47 years of age.

Do you need a job offer to immigrate to Canada?

No, you don't have to have a job offer or a job offer to immigrate to Canada. There are immigration programs that you can use without having a job offer.

Which of Canada's provinces is easier to immigrate to?

The provinces of British Columbia and Saskatchewan are among Canada's easiest to immigrate.

Can you immigrate to Canada without a degree?

Some Canadian immigration programs do not require a degree, but note that offering it increases your score and chances.

Who is PR Canada?

Permanent Resident or PR Canada is a citizen of another country that has been granted a permanent residence permit. With this license, you can live and work anywhere in the country. Permanent residents of Canada have many benefits and can become Canadian citizens or citizens after a certain period of time.

Can I work anywhere in Canada after moving to Canada?

When the applicant's status changes to a permanent resident, he or she can live and work anywhere in Canada. Otherwise, the applicant must obtain the relevant permits for employment. This license is called Work Permit.

Should applicants travel to Canada during their immigration process?

No. But a history of traveling to Canada and knowing this country will have a positive effect on your case.

Do you need an interview to immigrate to Canada?

In some immigration programs such as investment, entrepreneurship and self-employment, they are interviewed according to the conditions of each applicant to determine and examine their goals and business and their compliance with the law.

Does having relatives in Canada help my immigration case?

Yes. Having first-and second-degree relatives and relatives in Canada increases your score on immigration programs.

Do you need to hire a lawyer or a counselor to immigrate to Canada?

It is possible for the applicant to take action alone. You can also use the services of an official immigration lawyer and advisor, a member of the ICCRC.

It has been seen many times that applicants who have acted alone have been rejected for defects in their immigration cases. Hiring a lawyer and a counselor despite the many immigration programs, it's definitely a big plus that can increase your chances of getting your case accepted.

Immigration fee

What is the cheapest way to immigrate to Canada?

Immigration to Canada through tourism

Immigration to Canada through education

Immigration to Canada through job offer

Immigration to Canada through skillworker

Immigration to Canada through sponsorship

Of course, it's important to note that the cheapest way to immigrate to Canada is not necessarily the best way to immigrate to Canada. Each of these immigration programs has its own conditions, and if you have them, you can apply for that program.

How much does it cost to immigrate to Canada?

The cost of immigration to Canada depends on the type of immigration program of choice and the number of applicants, and the amount varies.

For example, for temporary visas such as a Canadian student visa, you will have to pay several fees, including applying to the University, the University Depot fee (including some universities), the fee for applying for a student visa at the immigration office, and the tuition fee for one year of study and one year of living in Canada. If you are going to take action with your spouse, child or children, the cost of reviewing the case and the cost of living and accommodation for each of them will be added to it.

Other costs are required for a Canadian student visa, such as the cost of language tests, the cost of translations, the cost of obtaining a record of misconduct, and if you want to hire an immigration lawyer, you must add the cost of an attorney to your total costs.

Do we need to provide financial support for the express entry Canada program?

If you want to apply for federal and federal technical workforce programs that are subgroups of Express Entry programs, the answer is yes and you must provide the Canadian immigration service with a financial support according to the Layco schedule, but if you want to apply for the Canadian Experience Program, or you have received more points in express entry job offerings, you do not need to provide financial support.

How much does a Canadian student visa cost?

The cost of applying for a student visa at the Canadian Immigration Service is 150 Canadian dollars. If you haven't done fingerprinting in the last 10 years, you'll have to pay 85 for fingerprinting.

Working in Canada

What are the age requirements for a Canadian work visa?

There is generally no age limit for obtaining a Canadian work visa. Of course, work visas that require a job offer may be subject to age restrictions depending on the conditions of the employer.

How old is a Canadian work visa?

Canadian work visas are usually issued for 1 to 2 years and have a maximum validity of 4 years.

Is it possible to work in Canada on a tourist visa?

No, but it is possible to convert a tourist visa to a work or study visa under certain conditions. During your stay in Canada, you can search for a job, and if you receive a job offer or job offer, you must apply for a work visa abroad.

You can also apply for a student visa outside Canada under certain conditions. Once you have a student visa, you can work part-time while studying.

How can a student visa be converted into a work visa?

After graduation from a course of more than 8 months and from a university or educational institution with a DLI number in Canada, you can apply for a work visa after studying or PGWP.

Is it possible to obtain a Canadian work visa despite having a history of wrongdoing?

Depends on the type of mass. Meanwhile, it may be a crime in Iran, but not in Canada, or vice versa.

There are crimes that prevent you from obtaining a Canadian work visa, including:

Drunk driving


Violation of traffic rules


Dangerous driving

Possession of illegal drugs

The route of obtaining a Canadian work visa depends on the date of the crime and the distance from that date until the application for a work visa is submitted.

If this period is 5 years or less, the applicant can apply for a temporary residence permit or TRP at the same time as applying for a work visa to address the problem of entry ban.
If the period of time elapsed is 5 years or more from the end of the sentence and punishment, the applicant can apply for rehabilitation, which is a permanent solution to the ban on entry to Canada.
But if it has been 10 years or more since the sentence and punishment for a non-serious offence was passed until the application for a work visa is submitted, the person being rehabilitated will be considered. Here, the spontaneous passage of time has forbidden him to enter. Unlike the application for rehabilitation or rehabilitation here documents are not required and only the immigration officer will assess the applicant's case.

Can the spouse and children of a person who has a temporary work visa come to Canada with him?

Yes, the spouse and children of a person who has a temporary work visa can accompany them in Canada. In most cases, people with temporary work visas apply for a work visa for their spouses and apply for a study visa for their children so that they can study in Canadian schools.

Is it necessary to provide medical test results for a work visa?

For employment in public health related occupations, the volunteer is always asked to undergo medical tests to confirm his health. For other occupations, depending on the country of origin of the applicant, he or she may be asked to undergo medical tests before approving the application for a work visa.

Is it possible to apply for a temporary work visa and apply for permanent residence at the same time?

Yes, it is possible to take action simultaneously. Applicants can have a dual intention and this means that the applicant can temporarily work in Canada and then permanently reside and work in Canada.

Express entry

What is a CRS score?

The comprehensive rating system (CRS) was designed to evaluate applicants for permanent residence in Canada in 2015. You receive CRS points based on a variety of factors such as age, education, work history and language level. For applicants with the highest CRS score, an invitation to permanent residence is sent.

The maximum score in this system is 1,200.

How do I increase my CRS score?

The following can increase your CRS score:

Improving language score

Provide a language qualification in a second language (English or French).

Increased work history

Receiving jobs from a Canadian employer

Education and work experience in Canada

Received provincial nomination

Promotion of Education

How long does one have to wait in the pool of applicants?

It depends on your score. If your score is high on the app through which you created the express entry account, you will receive an invitation in the first draw. Otherwise you will have to wait for the score to drop. Of course, after twelve months of building the Express Entry profile, this profile expires and you have to build it again.

Is the express entry case possible to be rejected?

The case may be filed for various reasons, including incomplete documents, contradictory or false information, criminal history, dangerous diseases of the applicant and failure to submit the application on time. But in general, if the information and documents are correct and the above are not present, the case will not be rejected.

Can you create two express entry profiles?

Yes. Sometimes, for example, the conditions of the applicant and his / her spouse vary, and each has a chance to receive an invitation. People can create two separate profiles and declare the other person as a spouse. Then each of the cases that received the invitation earlier, cancel the other case.

Should the work history offered for Express Entry be related to education?

The work history should be in line with the degree and in its field. For example, you cannot apply for a mechanical engineering degree in hairdressing.

No, you don't have to have an insurance history for Express Entry.

Should you stay in the same province if you receive an invitation from one province?

No. Applicants who apply through the province must intend to stay in that province. However, according to Canadian law, after entering Canada and obtaining permanent residence, they are free to live, work or study wherever they want in Canada.

Can the chosen person bring their family with them?

Yes. Spouses and children of dependents and minors can be included in the case of the main person. All people will be medically and securely examined by the Canadian government.

Canadian experience

Is a part-time work history acceptable for immigration through Canadian experience?‌

Yes. When the total number of hours reaches 1,560,which is equivalent to one year, you can apply for this program.

How many hours of work experience per week is required for the Canadian Experience Program?

You must work 30 hours a week in Canada for one year. If you've worked fewer hours,you'll have to work longer than a year to add up to 1,560 hours. No more than 30 hours are calculated.

Is part-time work experience calculated with study for the Canadian Experience Program?

No. You must complete your studies in Canada and one year of work experience is calculated after studying.

Can I leave Canada after applying for the CEC program?

Yes. Your presence in Canada is not part of the requirements for this program.

Is it mandatory to have an education in the Canadian Experience Program?‌

No. But if you want to get a degree, you have to have a degree.

Is a language qualification required for immigration through Canadian experience?

Yes. You must have a minimum score on one of the approved English or French tests.

Is financial support required for the Canadian Experience Program?

No. There is no need to provide an account inventory letter for the Canadian Experience Program.

Can I leave my job in Canada after a year of work experience?

Yes. You don't need to be busy for this program.

Is paid leave also part of the Canadian CEC program's work history?

Yes. Paid leave or paid holiday period are calculated as part of the Canadian Experience Program's work history.

Does the Canadian Experience program score drop?

This is not clear at all and depends entirely on the opinion and policies of the Immigration Department. For example, in the February 13, 2021 lottery, the Immigration Department sent invitations to people with a minimum score of 75. But in general, if the draws are regular and invitations are sent to a large number of people, the points remain at a certain level or fall.

Federal Skilled Workforce

Does a background in the federal skillworker program require insurance?

No. There is no need to provide insurance for work history for this program.

What's the difference between Express Entry and the federal skillworker program?

The federal skylworker program is done through the express entry system. In fact, one of the ways to apply for permanent residence through Express Entry is through the federal skillworker program.

What is the federal skillworker program in the express entry system?

It's one of the programs that allows you to apply online for permanent residence in Canada. The program has various conditions in the field of education, work history, knowledge of a foreign language and it, which the applicant must have.

What are the age requirements for the federal skillworker immigration procedure?

The program does not have age requirements and age restrictions. But you have to be sure to get the relevant points in the scoring system of this program. People under 35 earn the most points.

What do I need to do to increase my Canadian federal visa privilege?

To do this, you can increase your score by increasing your language knowledge or gaining more work experience or learning a second language or providing a higher degree.

Can you apply for the federal skillworker program without a background?

No. One of the basic conditions of this program is to have at least one year of full-time work experience.

Can you apply for the federal skillworker program without a language qualification?

No. You must have a degree in English or French with a minimum CLB7 level for this program. This level in the IELTS General Test is equivalent to 6 in all skills.

If I apply for the federal skillworker program, will my family get permanent residency?

Yes. The applicant's spouse and children also receive permanent residence with the application.

Should I apply single or married for the federal skillworker program?

Married people are down 40 points. But if the applicant's spouse has conditions such as a language qualification, a university degree or a Canadian work history, he or she can earn up to 40 points again.

Is it necessary for the federal skillworker job offer program?

No. People without a job offer can also earn the required points and receive permanent residence. But with a job offer, you can get more points.

How long is the federal skillworker program process?

According to the Migration Agency website, this time is about 6 months, and many cases are reviewed during this time. But in some cases, that may amount to nine months or one year.

Is a major important in the federal skillworker program?

No. Everyone with any field can participate in the program.

Should Education and work history be linked in the federal skillworker program?

There is no such rule in this regard, but you should note that this program is for people who are considered skilled and expert. Therefore, a person should acquire skills and expertise with education and work experience, preferably in the same field.

What jobs are most needed in the federal skillworker program?

In this program, it does not matter what job the person has had. Only these occupations should be in the subgroups of TEER 0, 1, 2, 3 in the Canadian occupation classification system and be considered specialized. But the job title doesn't matter what field it is.

When should I undergo medical tests for the federal skillworker program?

Medical tests are valid for one year, and it is better to do them after receiving the invitation and during the time you have to prepare the documents so that they exceed the validity period.

How is the submission of documents in the federal skillworker program?

The system is completely online and it is necessary for the documents to be scanned and uploaded to the profile.

Is a college education required at federal skillworker?

University education is not part of the basic requirements for the program, and people with high school degrees also have the basic requirements. But it should be noted that in most cases, people without a university education cannot earn the necessary points at the next stage.

The Atlantic Program

Is the work history and education calculated for the Atlantic Immigration method?

Yes, work history with education is accepted for this program.

Is the Atlantic pilot immigration program closed?

Yes. The program first started as a pilot in 2017 and became closed and permanent in 2021. But the Atlantic immigration program has replaced it, starting in March 2022 and continuing to operate permanently.

How long will it take to review the Atlantic Immigration Program case?

Between 6 and 12 months

Can you apply for an Atlantic immigration program without a job offer?

No. You should have a job offer from one of the Atlantic provinces.

Can you apply for an Atlantic immigration program without a language qualification?

No. If job offerings are at TEER level 0, 1, 2, 3 in the Canadian Occupational Classification system, you must have a degree in English or French at CLB5 level. If job offerings are at TEER 4 level, you must have a degree in English or French language qualification at CLB4 level.

Can semi-specialized work be used to obtain permanent residence through the Atlantic immigration program?

Yes. With one year of semi-specialized work experience or the same level of TEER 4 in the Canadian Occupational Classification System, permanent residency can be obtained through this program.

What is the difference between provincial immigration programs and the Atlantic program?

11 of Canada's 13 provinces (except Quebec and Nunavut) attract immigrants who contribute to the labor market and employment in that province through their own provincial immigration programs.

The four Atlantic provinces of Canada also have their own programs, each of which you can get acquainted with at the following links:

Immigration to New Brunswick

Immigration to Newfoundland and Labrador

Immigration to Nova Scotia

Immigration to Prince Edward

Work migration to the provinces

Frequently asked questions skillworker Saskatchewan

Who should provide a language degree for the Saskatchewan skillworker program?

If English or French is not your native and native language, you must provide proof of language. Of course, persons whose occupation is part of a certain technical occupation, even if French or English is the applicant's native language, must provide a language qualification.

What are not accepted as financial facilities for the Saskatchewan skillworker program?

Bonds, bank cards, gold, cash, residential or commercial property deeds are not accepted.

What are the required fields of study in Saskatchewan?

In this program, the field of study is not important and the work history is important. However, you should note that in most cases, in order to be qualified to work in that job, you must have obtained a degree in the relevant field of study. The jobs required by the province are determined by the provincial labor market and invitations are issued for some jobs during each lottery period.

Is it easy to get permanent residency through the Saskatchewan provincial program?

Due to the easier conditions of the province than other provincial methods, the Saskatchewan province skillworker programs are one of the best and easiest ways to obtain permanent residence. For example, the possibility of acting without a Canadian education or work history, with a high age and without a job offer is one of the advantages of the Saskatchewan skillworker method.

How long does it take to obtain permanent residence through the Saskatchewan work immigration program?

It depends on the program you're going through. In most cases, it takes about 6 months to get the documents checked by the province. Then, after receiving the nomination, it's time for a review by the federal immigration service. This process takes about 6 to 19 months depending on whether the process is online or paper.


Frequently asked questions skillworker British Columbia

Can you apply for the British Columbia skylworker program without a job offer?

The program has different subgroups. In all subgroups except the international graduate and doctoral subgroups, you must have a job offer from the province of British Columbia to apply.

What points are required for the British Columbia skillworker program?

The program has different subgroups, and each subgroup has its own points in each lottery period. For example, in the November 23, 2021 draw, a score of 96 was required for the skillworker subgroup.

How long is the skillworker British Columbia program process?

It takes 2 to 3 months to get provincial nomination in the immigration program through the British Columbia specialty, and then it takes about 1 and a half years for the federal immigration service to give you permanent residency.

Is the LMIA code required for the British Columbia skillworker program?

No. Employers are not obliged to take this code for the British Columbia provincial program.

What is the difference between the British Columbia immigration program and the British Columbia express entry?

The most important difference is the length of time the case is reviewed. The express entry method is online and is reviewed faster, while the method of migration through specialization is by sending documents in paper form.

What language score is required for the British Columbia skillworker program?

In the immigration through specialization program British Columbia the minimum required language score in IELTS General is equivalent to a score of 4 in Speaking and Writing skills and a score of 4.5 in Listening skills and a score of 3.5 in Reading skills.

How much does the skillworker British Columbia program cost?

The cost of the examination of documents by the province: Dollar 1,150
The cost of verifying documents by the federal immigration service:
 1,365 for the original applicant

 1,365 for his wife.

 230 per child

Is it easy to get permanent residency through the skillworker British Columbia program?

If you meet the requirements, it is not difficult to obtain permanent residence through this procedure. For most of the subgroups in this program, you have to have a job.

Is the Express Entry profile required for the British Columbia specialty immigration program?

No, none of the subgroups in this program require an Express Entry profile. The submission of documents in this method is in paper form.


Skylworker Ontario FAQ via express entry

How long is the Ontario skillworker program process?

The province's review of the Ontario express subgroup cases takes between 30 and 60 days.

How much does the Ontario skillworker program cost?

The cost of examining the Ontario skillworker case through Express Entry by the province is canada 1,500 CAD.


Skillworker New Brunswick FAQ via express entry

What is the New Brunswick provincial candidate program?

The New Brunswick provincial nomination program (NBPNP) is a program that allows New Brunswick to introduce immigrants to meet the economic needs and labor market of the province.

Does New Brunswick have a working immigration stream to New Brunswick, Canada, in line with the Federal Express Entry immigration selection system?

Yes, New Brunswick has an immigration stream that is coordinated with the labor immigration selection system for New Brunswick, Canada via the Federal Express Entry, also called the skillworker stream of New Brunswick, Canada via The Express Entry. It's called Stream express entry. With an advanced provincial nomination from the stream, candidates receive an additional 600 points of the comprehensive rating system (CRS), resulting in an invitation to apply (ITA) for permanent residence in the next lottery from the Express Entry Pool.

How does the New Brunswick provincial candidates program work?

Within six months after receiving the candidate certificate, applicants must apply to the IRCC for a permanent resident visa. Applicants, together with their spouse and dependents, if any, must meet all the necessary requirements for medical, security and criminal admission. The IRCC has the ultimate authority to issue a permanent resident visa.

Is a person required to live and settle permanently in New Brunswick after immigration?

As part of any PNP application, applicants are required to submit a settlement plan showing why they want to live in the province and how they want to settle. Applicants are also required to sign the “intent to stay” document with their application. As stated, The Canadian Charter of rights and freedoms ensures that all Canadian citizens and permanent residents are allowed to work and stay anywhere throughout Canada. When an individual obtains permanent residence in Canada, he or she has the right to work and reside in any Canadian province or territory.


Skylworker Alberta FAQ via express entry

Can you apply for any of Alberta's work immigration programs from outside Canada?

Except for the Alberta Opportunity Program, where a valid work permit is one of the requirements of the program, you can apply from outside Canada if you meet other program requirements.

Which jobs can be used in Alberta's work immigration programs?

If you are applying through the Alberta Opportunity Program or rural renovation in Alberta, you can apply for all jobs except for the lists provided. But if you apply through the express entry system, your work experience in TEER 4, 5 groups will not be accepted.

Can you enroll in Alberta's work immigration programs without a job offer?

To register for the Alberta Opportunity Program and the Alberta Rural renovation program, you must have a valid job offer, but you can apply through express entry without having a job offer through the Alberta skylworker program.

Is the Express Entry profile required for other work immigration programs in the province of Alberta?

No. Only for skylworker Alberta via Express Entry, a profile is required.

What are the age requirements for working immigration to Alberta?

There are no specific age requirements for these programs, but obviously if you apply through the express entry system, your age will affect the scoring.


Skillworker Manitoba FAQ

How long does the skillworker process take in Manitoba?

It takes about six months for Manitoba to issue you a provincial nomination. It would then take about 15 to 19 months for the case to be reviewed by the federal immigration service. Of course, if you have filed your case through Express Entry, it will take about 6 to 9 months for the federal immigration service to review your case.

What is the minimum score required for skylworker in Manitoba?

It is not possible to say exactly what points are required for this program, as the Manitoba Immigration Department changes the points in each period. But by checking the score of the last lottery rounds of this program, you can see if your score is suitable for this program.

How long is the work history required for skillworker in Manitoba?

You must have worked in Manitoba for at least six months for the same employer you got a job from.

Is a language degree required for the skillworker program in Manitoba?

Have sufficient command of English or French to fulfill your job duties. If job offer is in one of the jobs at the TEER 4, 5 level in the Canadian job knock, you must show a language qualification with the CLB 4 level. To convert the score of different language degrees to CLB, the scores of each skill must be checked.

Can you apply for the skylworker program in Manitoba without a job?

No. For the skillworker program in Manitoba, you need to have a long-term job offer for full-time work in Manitoba.


Frequently asked questions about immigration to Nova Scotia, Canada

What are the age requirements for immigration to Nova Scotia?

Some subgroups of the program do not have age requirements, and in some subgroups, people with a Age of at least 21 and a maximum of 55 can use the program. But immigration at a younger age is not a privilege for this program.

How long is the Nova Scotia skillworker program process?

All subgroups of the program are reviewed by the province within 3 to 6 months.

What is the scoreboard of the Nova Scotia specialist workforce?

Nova Scotia's work immigration programs do not have a scoreboard, and it is enough to meet the requirements for an invitation to be issued.

Is it easy to get provincial nominations from Nova Scotia?

Yes. Given that the program does not have a scoreboard and therefore is not a competitive selection of people, if you meet the requirements of the program, you can get a provincial nomination.


Frequently asked questions skillworker Newfoundland and Labrador

How long is the Newfoundland and Labrador skillworker program process?

The provincial nomination takes about 25 days to receive and the Permanent Residence takes about 15 to 19 months.

Do I need a language qualification to obtain permanent residency through the Newfoundland and Labrador skillworker program?

In jobs with a level of TEER 4, 5 you must have a language qualification with a minimum level of CLB4.

At what age can you immigrate to Newfoundland, vlabrador?

Ages between 21 and 59.

Experimental immigration programs

Is it possible to hire a Canadian home nurse who is a relative of yours?

Yes. All rules for checking the conditions of home nurses are the same for relatives and non-relatives.

Officers cannot dismiss the case simply because one of your relatives is going to work for you.


In which Canadian provinces are home nurses most in demand?
Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Ontario and the Yukon


Is a home nurse job in Canada a high-skilled job?
No, these jobs are considered low-skill jobs.


What are home nurses not allowed to do in Canada?
Home caregivers for a child or elderly person in Canada are not allowed to perform medical assessments or make medical recommendations for a child or elderly person.


Does a home nurse who works in Canada and has 24 months of full-time work experience need to receive a job offer from inside Canada to apply for permanent action?
No, only nurses need jobs that are less than two years old.

Canadian study visa

How long is a Canadian student visa valid?

The validity of a Canadian student visa is usually the same as the length of the course of study. Of course, at the time of the visa label, the Canadian immigration officer determines its validity by the expiration date of the passport. So be very careful that your passport expires no less than the length of your studies.

Is it mandatory to provide insurance history for a Canadian student visa?

No, it's not necessary, but it can make the visa case stronger.

What is the minimum average for a Canadian student visa?

There is no minimum average requirement for a Canadian student visa, and the officers do not consider the average factor for the case evaluation. The GPA is one of the most important factors for admission.

Is a Canadian student visa free?

No, you have to pay several fees to get a Canadian student visa, which includes the cost of reviewing the case in the Canadian Immigration Department, the cost of Canadian fingerprinting, the cost of traveling to the second country to do fingerprinting, the cost of translating documents, the cost of language testing, providing financial support and depending on the University, the cost of University Depot. More information about the costs of a student visa is written in this article.

What is visa submission?

The process of filling out an online visa app, uploading documents, paying fees, and finally submitting a visa application online is called submitting. The visa submission is done in the final step by clicking on the "Submit" option.

Is AI used in Canadian visa cases?

Since 2014 Canada has been working on the topic of artificial intelligence and visas. Ottawa has not yet confirmed the full use of AI in immigration cases, informing that AI was merely involved in sorting and speeding up the handling of cases. Read about the use of artificial intelligence in immigration cases in Canada.

Is it possible to obtain a Canadian student visa from within Canada?‌

Yes. You can also apply for a permit from inside Canada and study. Of course, the rules of action differ from those outside Canada. To apply for a permit master from inside Canada, you must first provide the preliminaries. You must enroll in a shorter course, which is a prerequisite for a longer term. We see a lot of cases that are rejected because they don't follow this initial factor.

Can I travel to Iran while studying in Canada?‌

Yes. Note, however, that when the officer returns, you can ask for evidence that you are enrolled in your own training center. Also make sure you have a valid visa and permit master return time. A visa labeled on your passport is usually multiple, which allows you to travel from Canada without restrictions.

What factors contribute to the outcome of the visa?

Your task is to submit the best case to the Immigration Department. Certainly, handing over the best case to the Immigration Service can't give you a guaranteed Canadian visa, but that's the least. You have to leave it to the officer from here on out. Since you are on the side of the account with a human and not with a machine, then human error is also inevitable. You've probably seen or heard that in court, the type and model of behavior and personality of judges play a role in decision-making. Officers are no exception. Again, we emphasize that despite human error and odds, it is the duty of each person to hand over the best possible case to the Immigration Department because even if it is rejected, it will be possible to pursue the error of the officers in the Supreme Court of Canada.

Do certain diseases like MS have an effect on visas?

If the disease has a high cost of treatment for Canada (over دلار 24,000 a year), you become medically inadmissible. Unless you can prove that you have the ability to fund your treatment, and then if you have been rejected for medical reasons, we can defend the case in court.

Is it possible to increase the chances of obtaining a visa by paying a fee?

Yes. This will increase your chances of obtaining a student visa.

How does a lawyer help you get a visa? Who are the official lawyers?

The role of the lawyer is to design a logical path, based on rules. Having a lawyer is not necessary to succeed in a successful case, but a good lawyer can prevent any kind of wrong decision in the case and present your best to the Immigration Department. Of course, the lawyer will plan and design from deciding where to proceed so that you don't have trouble obtaining residency later to what documents to present to the immigration office in what way. A lawyer, if legal, will also be able to add a defense letter to you, which will be very effective in making you better present at the immigration office.

Does a Schengen visa and travel record affect student visas?

According to the law, having a Schengen visa or travel history to get a student visa must be neutral or neutral for the officers, and the officer cannot say that because this person did not have a Schengen visa, I will not give this person a visa. This is a problem, and we can object to the officer's opinion in court. Therefore, the Schengen record for short-term visas such as student and tourist visas should be considered neutral by the officers, and if not, it will leave you open to objection.

The officer asked me to pay my one-year college tuition. What should I do?

When such an update comes to you, you have virtually no choice but to do so. Because it was probably either a special case or a chance that happened, and this lottery was drawn in your name. Then pay the fee, so that there is no doubt for the officer.

What are the questions at the Canadian embassy?

No questions are asked at the embassy for a Canadian student visa. There is practically no interview, and all decisions are made based on your submitted certificate.

How is the Canadian embassy's application done?‌

There is no exact information on this. Of course, if the documents are asked for the Canadian embassy, they won't reveal the way. We have observed in the last few years that immigration sometimes contacts banks to verify the accuracy of bank documents for the Canadian embassy. Of course, Iranian banks don't usually give a clear answer to the Immigration Department. Informed sources report that the Canadian Immigration Service is always in progress to use tools and robots to check documents.

Does the mobilization record affect the student visa?‌

Our experience has shown that the history of membership in such institutions in the lower ranks does not affect the visa.

Do you guarantee that I will get a visa?

It is illegal to guarantee an applicant's visa. Official immigration advisors and members of the association for the supervision of official immigration advisors to Canada are not allowed to guarantee under the rules of the Immigration Service and the ICCRC. Applicants should note that a company cannot be trusted simply by obtaining a guarantee, while the company may not have any official and registered consultants in Canada.

The Mondial visa guarantees all applicants that the entire process of obtaining a student visa is carried out by the official immigration advisor to Canada, and their case will be sent to the Immigration Department of Canada without any flaws and in full. Also, if the applicants ' visas are rejected, our advisors have the possibility to protest the officer's vote and prosecute the next steps.

Is it possible to move a student visa and work for me and my wife?

There's a point to this. The spouse's work visa depends on your student visa, and in fact, if your student visa is cancelled, they are actually cancelled. So what needs to be done is that first the spouse's work visa becomes a student visa. We have already done this process on the Mondial visa and it is not a particular problem.

Which fingerprinting is better?

We've done a lot of research on the Mondial visa, and in our experience, it doesn't affect whether you get or deny your visa. Of course, according to the statistics released by the Canadian Immigration Service, the percentage of admissions and rejection at different embassies is slightly different, but this difference is not to the extent that it is significant.

Does he need a degree to deflect the University?

No, he doesn't want a degree, just you apply to the University for a defer, and how long it takes to do a defer, depending on your university.

What happens if a person has a permanent residence permit applies for a degree?

You're very likely to be rejected because on the one hand, you say in a permanent residence case that you're going to stay in Canada, but in a study case, you say that I'm going back to my country. Of course, it's possible to do this, called being a dual intent. But why take risks? We'll have to see how lucky the case you opened for permanent residence is.

Should the seal of justice be on the evidence?

The embassy is not sensitive to this, but it's better if you stamp it.

Is health insurance mandatory for studying in Canada?

Yes. The applicant must be covered by health insurance. He must purchase insurance before applying for a visa. Or that he can financially prove that he can afford health insurance.

When should I apply for a student visa?

Apply for a student visa as soon as you receive an admission letter from the university or school. It takes a relatively long time to handle your case.

How do I pay for the application for a student visa?

The fee for handling the visa case, as well as the fingerprinting fee, must be paid when registering the documents. In the online method, pay the fees using credit cards (Visa Card, MasterCard, American Express, JCB, Union p) after logging into your account.

Will the fees paid for the App be refunded to me if the student visa application is rejected?

No, the fees paid to the embassy are not refunded even if they are rejected.

I want to study in Canada for less than six months. Do I need to get a permit master?

No, you don't need to get a permit professor for less than six months of study. You must complete your studies within the time allowed to study. Even if you do not need to receive a permit teacher, it is recommended that you apply for it so that you can work while studying or continue your studies. To obtain a permit professor,you must study at a Canadian educational institution.

If your main reason for immigrating to Canada is to study for more than 6 months, you must apply for a permit master's degree.

I want to change my school or university and my degree program. How can I change my permit master?

There is no need to change the permit professorship if the University and the degree program change.

Can minors study in Canadian schools without a permit professor?

In general, all people need to obtain a permit master's degree to study in Canada. Only in the following situations can these people study in Canadian schools without a permit professor:

A parent is a Canadian citizen or has permanent residence
One parent is allowed to study or work in Canada
How much time do we have to enter Canada since the visa was issued?

You can travel to Canada by the end of the validity date of your student visa.

Does taking a pre-requisite course affect a Canadian student visa?

Because you show that you are a real student, it is a positive thing to take a prerequisite course in another country, but there is no guarantee that if you take this course, you will get a visa.

How much chance do we have of a visa to take the language course in Canada?

There is almost no chance of getting a visa. If you apply for a language course, you will be 99% rejected and only have a 1% chance. Do not apply for a language course. If you only need a prerequisite language course to enter university, take action.

Is free currency calculated for financial capacity or government?

The immigration officers know about the free exchange rate in Iran and the suggestion is to count the financial capacity in free currency.

How much money does it take to provide financial support?

Financial support should be such that you can prove that money is not a loan and that it is more important to prove this. Financial support can be provided from 1 month to 4 months.

Is it right to offer a first-class visa to Canada?

It depends on several factors: first, how you want to stay in the future and how you want to think about it. Second, what is your bachelor's and master's degree, and what is your master's degree that you have accepted? Third, How does your work record cover all of this? And your age and your academic chatter are all considered whether your senior is offered.

Is it right to change your passport due to the proximity of the expiration date at the pass-reqvist stage?

When you get a passport, it's no longer useful to change your passport, and if you change your visa label, it doesn't matter whether it's a new passport or an old passport . You can come to Canada with the same punched pass, but you have to renew it when the passport is valid.

Can a student visa be sponsored by someone other than a parent?

Anyone can be your support, but logically, it's also a matter of consideration. For example, why your cousin should be your support and you should have enough reasons.

Will changing marital status be problematic when applying for a visa?

No. As long as you notify the Immigration Department of any changes in the case within 30 days, you will have no problem.

Study in Canada

Is it possible to study online in Canada?

Yes, most Canadian universities can study in person (on-Campus)and online (online). But as an international student, you need a student visa to study in Canada, and this visa is not issued for online and part-time courses.

It should be noted, of course, that during the covid-19 outbreak and due to the closure of Canadian educational centers, the Canadian Immigration Service temporarily agreed to online study of foreign students without disrupting the issuance of student visas.

But in 2022, when conditions largely returned to normal and Canadian universities reopened, it was possible to study in person again. Although there are still universities for the September 2022 semester that are holding their classrooms in combination (online and in person), there will be no problem with the post-study residency discussion.

Is it hard to study in Canada?

The answer to this question depends on your circumstances and abilities. If you've been an active student in the past, you'll probably be able to overcome the difficulties of studying in Canada. One of the most important factors for studying in Canada is having good language skills. All courses in Canada are taught in English or French. So if your language level is not good, you will have more problems studying in Canada.

How long does the entire Canadian immigration process take?

The Canadian admission process will be 2 to 4 months. The visa process is two to four months. Of course, these timelines are in the best shape, and unfortunately, the world doesn't always help us the way we want to.

What is the advantage of visa canadia over other companies and why do I apply for admission to Canada with Visa canadia?

All the process of executing cases is carried out by the official education advisors of Canada and the official representatives of universities in Canada.
canadia visa is closely linked to many universities.
Very good knowledge of the canadia visa representatives of the Canadian education system and universities
The entire visa process is carried out by the official immigration consultants of Canada, a member of the official immigration consultants of Canada ICCRC.
Reasonable and competitive costs
Should the master's degree be related to my bachelor's degree?

It should be relevant to some extent, unless you take action in management.

What will happen to my visa if I drop out of school?

The result of dropping out is not the same in all cases. You may not have a problem staying in Canada until the end of the permit master, but you will definitely have a problem with the timing of the permit master extension. But if you're unlucky, the university will correspond with the Canadian immigration service while you're studying, and you'll have to leave Canada.

Is it possible to drop out of school and work in Canada?

You won't be able to drop out of school normally. Unless you convert a Canadian study visa into another type of visa. For example, get a permanent residence permit or get a work visa after you have signed a contract and applied for the necessary facilities. If you marry a person with a study or work or permanent residence, you will also be eligible.

What are the conditions for studying in language courses?

Canadian language courses are not possible for those who need to obtain a Canadian student visa, and we recommend that you do not trust the institutions and consultants who promise you in this field, as there is currently no possibility of obtaining a Canadian student visa for language courses. The Mondial visa does not provide services in this regard because the result of the action will be negative. Profiteers usually ask you for fees for admission to language courses, while they are aware that the embassy will not issue visas for these courses.

How much does a language class cost in Canada?

The tuition fees for each language institution in Canada are different.
We're going to talk about the tuition fees for language institutions in some of Canada's major cities:

Toronto: 12 weeks of English = 3,500 Canadian dollars
Quebec City: 12 weeks of French = 3,570 Canadian dollars
Vancouver: 12 weeks of English = 4,000 Canadian dollars
Calgary: 12-week French course = 3,400 Canadian dollars
I don't have a language degree. I'm going to apply in Canada, and my plan is to learn the language in Canada. Is it possible?‌

The possibility of acting without a language qualification depends on your field of study. In some subjects, this is possible, and in others, you must have a language qualification. Don't forget that stronger language will be key to your success.

I'm going to continue my studies in higher education.

So universities are a better option.

I'm not very good at homework, and I'd rather learn practical.

So colleges are your preferred option.

I'm interested in research.

Universities are strong in this area.

I want my tuition to be the lowest possible.

Colleges are the right choice.

My work priority is greater job diversity and simpler jobs with average salaries.

So colleges are a better option.

Educational knowledge visa

Is it possible to get a Canadian Student Scholarship?

No. Canadian scholarships are not available for international students.

Is it free to study in Canadian schools?

No. To study in contact with Canadian schools, both public and private, you must pay tuition fees.

Can parents both apply for a student visa with their child at the same time?

There is a possibility of simultaneous action for parents, but the circumstances of the case should not be such that dependence on Iran is reduced. So it's better for someone or a parent to take action with their child.

How many years is Canadian fingerprinting valid?

If you have Canadian fingerprinting, you do not need to re-fingerprinting for up to 10 years and it is valid.

Canada's prestigious universities

Which Canadian university are you applying to?

We are working simultaneously for 3 to 5 Canadian universities. All universities are approved by Iran and Canada.

Which university is my situation in line with?

After the process begins, your advisor will notify you of the list of universities.

What are the best universities in Canada?

The three universities of Toronto, McGill and British Columbia are among the top 100 universities in the world in 2020 (quoted by QS), ranking 29th, 35th and 51st respectively.

What are the cheapest universities in Canada?

emorial University
McGill University
Dominican University College
University of Alberta
University of British Columbia
Dalhousie University
University of Toronto
University of Ottawa

Is it free to study at Canadian universities?

No. But it is possible to receive scholarships for foreign students so that they can cover a significant part of the tuition fees.

What are the best academic fields to study in Canada?

Computer science and IT
Business and finance
Engineering and management
Physical and biological sciences and renewable energy
Agricultural and Forestry Sciences
Biology, medicine and health care
Media and journalism

How does the university rank affect the visa process?

The university ranking itself has no effect on the visa, but it shows your seriousness in studying. For example, if you are accepted from the University of Toronto or UBC, the officer will know your interest in studying more. There is no particular problem in general. There is no weak University, and it's not directly related to Visa and University Rankings .The whole effort of the company is to choose the best mode at all times.

study in Canadian schools

Is it possible to get a scholarship in Canadian schools?

No. Canadian schools do not offer any kind of scholarship to international students. But it is possible that some form of loan or overdraft may be offered to top Canadian students.

Is it possible to study for free in Canadian schools?

In general, the answer is no. You must pay tuition to study in all types of Canadian schools. In just two ways, your education in Canadian schools is free.:

Parents or both of them are citizens or permanent residents of Canada. Or
Parents or both have a permit to study or work permit.

What month does the Canadian school semester start?

The school year in Canadian schools begins in September and ends in late June.

How long does a school year take in Canadian schools?

The school year in Canadian schools usually consists of 190 days (180 days in the province of Quebec).

What time is the classroom in Canadian schools?

Classes in Canadian schools are usually from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. or from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

What is the transportation of students in Canada? Is there a school bus in Canada?

Yes, in many Canadian cities, buses have stations in schools, and students can use them according to age requirements.

How is the health of students in Canadian schools guaranteed?

In most Canadian provinces, students must be vaccinated against certain diseases before the start of the school year. There are also full-time and / or part-time pupil care nurses in most Canadian schools.

Different levels of education

Bachelor's degree in Canada


Is it possible to continue studying at a higher level after completing a bachelor's degree in Canada?

Yes. Before completing your studies, you can apply for a postgraduate degree from a university and renew your permit professorship.

Can you do student work if you have a conditional admission to the language course in The Bachelor's degree?

There is no possibility of student work during the language course, but after completing it and entering the main course, you can do student work.

How much is a scholarship for a bachelor's degree in Canada?

Undergraduate studies in Canada are not very likely to receive a scholarship. You may receive between دلار 1,000 and ۵ 5,000 if you have a high GPA and language score, depending on the conditions of the University.

Does he have a bachelor's degree in Canada?

Some of The Bachelor's degrees in Canada come with a co-op program. That is, as part of your course of study you will need to do internships inside or outside the University. The organization or company in which you must conduct an internship is usually determined by the university itself.

When should you apply for a bachelor's degree in Canada?

It is usually required to apply to universities 12-8 months before the start of the semester. Canadian undergraduate universities have three main entrances: September, January and may.


Postgraduate studies in Canada


How long is the postgraduate course in Canada?

The duration of a master's degree in Canada is one to two years. Some fields are 12 months or 18 months or 24 months.

Is it free to study for a master's degree in Canada?

No, studying in all subjects in a postgraduate degree in Canada costs money unless you receive a scholarship that covers part or all of your tuition fees.

After completing a master's degree, how long is the work permit in Canada?

The length of time you are allowed to work after your studies depends on the length of your postgraduate studies. For example, if you have one year of study, you will receive a one-year work permit, and if you have two years of study, you will be issued a three-year post-study work permit.

What is the requirement for working with a postgraduate co-op course in Canada?

If your degree program has a co-op course, you can work full-time with a co-op work permit if the co-op course is no more than 50% of your studies.

When should you apply for a master's degree in Canada?

It is usually necessary to apply to Canadian universities 12-8 months before the start of the semester, as international students must also complete the Canadian student visa process in addition to the admission process.


Doctoral studies in Canada


When should you apply for a PhD in Canada 2023?

For doctoral applications, you must apply at least 12 to 8 months before the start of the semester. For the September 2023 semester, you must start corresponding with Canadian university professors from September or October 2022.

What is the structure of doctoral studies in Canada?

To continue your doctoral studies in Canada, you first need to familiarize yourself with the structure of this degree.

The duration of a doctoral degree in Canada is 4 to 6, often starting from the very beginning with research and less theoretical lessons are offered. However, in other countries, such as the United States, the first year or two of the doctoral course is spent with theoretical and test lessons, after which research is carried out to present the doctoral thesis seriously.

In some universities, you may need to take the comprehensive Canadian doctoral examination at the end of the first or second year to test your general knowledge of your field of study.

At the end of your PhD in Canada, you need to prepare your doctoral thesis and present it orally and defend it.

What are the age requirements for studying for a PhD in Canada?

There are no age restrictions or conditions for studying PhD in Canada under Canadian law. The ideal age for a PhD at Canadian universities is usually 30, but many PhD students who get admission to Canadian universities every year are over 30.

The only thing to consider is the rationality of the student's age and his doctoral studies for the Canadian student visa process. For example, if you are over 40 and get a PhD from a university in Canada, the case officer may not be convinced about your return to the country after studying.

What are the requirements for a Canadian doctoral scholarship?

Be an accepted student or a doctoral student at a Canadian university؛
Have an average of at least 17 or higher. If your CV and research history are strong, you can also get a scholarship with a lower average.؛
For most subjects, have an IELTS score of at least 6.5 or equivalent scores.
Have scientific articles published in reputable foreign and domestic journals.
You have not received scholarships from other Canadian universities and institutions before.

What are the most reputable websites for searching for a PhD scholarship in Canada?

To find Canadian scholarship positions here are three useful websites:
When searching for a PhD scholarship on some of these websites, you need to register on that website and become a member. This is where all the Canadian doctoral scholarship opportunities are shown to you.

What should we consider when looking for a PhD scholarship in Canada?

Degree: pay attention to which degree the scholarship is offered in Canada.
Country: some scholarships are offered only to students from certain countries. So be sure to check if Iran is one of the countries that includes scholarships before applying.
Subject: some Doctoral Scholarships are offered only for certain fields of study. So check if your field of study includes that scholarship.
Deadline application: if the scalarship you are looking for is a type that you should apply to separately from the string application, be sure to check when the deadline for applying it is. Since the scholarships have limited capacity, it is recommended to apply for the fund position ahead of deadline date.
Qualifications required: applying for a Canadian scholarship requires specific qualifications, depending on the type of fund proposed and the institution offering it, different qualifications are required. Be sure to prepare all the necessary documents before applying and according to the stated instructions.

What are the PhDs with scholarships in Canada?

Most of the doctoral degrees in Canada include scholarships, such as engineering, science, such as biology, and its sub-branches, chemistry, and physics. Humanities usually receive fewer scholarships.

Is it possible for students to get a postdoctoral scholarship in Canada?

If you have received your doctorate and are planning to work as a postdoc or postdoctoral researcher in Canada, many universities and research centers in Canada provide this opportunity for foreign applicants every year. You get a postdoctoral degree in law, which is paid for by a professor, a university, or by a scholarship and a fellowship by a government agency.

Some examples of postdoc fellowships in Canada for foreign applicants:

Banting International Postdoctoral Fellowships
SFU Postdoctoral Fellowship

Which PhD fields in Canada have more applicants?

Computer science
Natural Sciences
Social Sciences
Business and management

Is doctoral studies in Canada Free?

No. You have to pay tuition fees to study for a PhD in Canada, but there is a possibility of receiving scholarships through which all or part of the tuition fees are paid.

What are the requirements for obtaining a PhD in Canada?

Obtaining a PhD scholarship in Canada depends on many factors, such as a high GPA in previous study districts, a high language score, and doing research work and publishing high-ranking research papers.

Can you apply for a re-doctorate in Canada?

If you have already obtained a doctorate in Iran and want to read a doctorate in the same field or its sub-branches in Canada, this is not logical for Canadian university professors and there is little chance of admission.

Canadian scholarship application

What are the best universities in Canada to apply to?

University of Toronto
University of British Columbia
McGill University
McMaster University
University of Alberta
University of Montreal
University of Calgary

When should you apply to Canadian universities?

Deadlines vary, but you must apply at least 8-12 months before starting each semester. Canadian universities have three main entrances: September, January, may (not all universities included).

Should we post qualifications for Canadian universities during the application phase?

Depends on the conditions of each university. Most universities usually accept scans of your documents for Canadian academic applications, and you do not need to send documents by post. Only a very limited number of universities, especially undergraduate ones, may ask you to post your credentials to them at the same time as the application process.

Is it necessary to submit the original of the degree and the transcript of the academic scores for the application to the University of Canada?

No. After you have been accepted from a university they will ask you to post your degree and theses for them from the university you have already studied at. Be careful never to send the original of your documents to universities, but to send the original of the translation of the degree and the transcripts of the degree, which has the seal of the translator and the seal of the judiciary, along with the Persian copy of them to the destination university.

How many times is it possible to apply for admission in Canada?

Depends on the educational policy of each university. Usually, Canadian universities allow 2 to 3 times to defer and transfer your admission semester to the following semesters.

Can you get a scholarship for admission to Canadian universities?

This is possible, but getting a Canadian scholarship depends on many factors, and having a brilliant resume and academic record and a high language score are essential. Scholarships are usually considered more for postgraduate courses such as PhDs and research-oriented Masters. Scalarship is also available to a small extent in lower grades, depending on your CV and the University's requirements.

Will the likelihood of obtaining admission to Canadian universities decrease with high academic gap?

You can't say that academic chatting is a barrier to admission, but it should be covered by a work history.

What are the age requirements for admission to the Canadian doctoral program?

There are no specific age requirements for admission to a PhD or a master's degree, but naturally, the younger the applicant's age or the lower the academic gap between the applicant's graduation date and the current date, the higher the chances of admission of the student by both the professor and the University.

How effective is the provision of work experience in admissions to management fields?

Having a management background increases the chances of being accepted into management.

How much will having a paper affect the admission rate of a Canadian doctorate?

Having an essay for admission to a PhD is one of the most important competitions.

Is it possible to apply for a non-related doctoral degree?

There is no possibility of admission to subjects unrelated to your studies in the master's degree in any way in the doctoral degree. Both professors and universities in doctoral programs attract students who have a background in academic or related research.

Is it better to apply for a master's degree in the form of a bass thesis or admission as a bass course and which visa risk is lower?

Not everyone is eligible for a thesis. The research history of the individual is very influential, so the overall response cannot be applied to all people. The visa process is not particularly effective.

Does acceptance as a base thesis or a base course in the master's degree affect the entry into the labor market in Canada?

Bass thesis disciplines are designed for academic activities and bass course disciplines to meet the needs of the labor market. So if you want to work in a company after graduation in your field of expertise, the bass courses are suitable, and if you want to work academically, the bass thesis is suitable for you..

With IELTS General, is it possible to apply to Canadian universities?

Academic IELTS must be provided for admission.

Is it necessary to have a portfolio for admission to the arts?

A portfolio is required for the action of most art disciplines.

I'm a 16 and IELTS 6.5 in engineering from universities. What is the cause of the rijkati?

Universities generally state the reason for the rejection in the letter, and competitiveness is one of the important factors that contribute to the rejection.

Is it possible to apply for a Canadian degree at a university for both a master's and a doctoral degree?

If you apply to a university simultaneously for a master's and doctoral degree, the master's program will affect the doctoral file, and it is better not to apply to a university simultaneously for a master's and doctoral degree.


Tuition fees in Canada

How much is the tuition fee for Canadian universities?

The tuition fees for Canadian universities are between کارشناسی 10,000 and ۲ 20,000 for undergraduates and بین 13,000 and ارشد 25,000 for postgraduates. In the doctoral program, between ۵ 5,000 and۵ 15,000. Tuition fees for some universities will be paid before obtaining a visa and for others after entering Canada and registering with the relevant institution.

How much have Canadian universities paid for foreign students in the past five years?


Location Education Annual tuition
(Canadian dollar)
All of Canada Undergraduate 22,346
Master's and doctoral degrees 14,520
Newfoundland and Labrador Undergraduate 9,360
Master's and doctoral degrees 2,810
Prince Edward Island Undergraduate 22,146
Master's and doctoral degrees 10,586
Nova Scotia Undergraduate 14,705
Master's and doctoral degrees 16,601
New Brunswick Undergraduate 13,125
Master's and doctoral degrees 10,432
Quebec Undergraduate 20,269
Master's and doctoral degrees 14,330
Ontario Undergraduate 27,627
Master's and doctoral degrees 19,928
Manitoba Undergraduate 14,385
Master's and doctoral degrees 10,032
Saskatchewan Undergraduate 18,096
Master's and doctoral degrees 5,513
Alberta Undergraduate 20,412
Master's and doctoral degrees 8,993
British Columbia Undergraduate 20,485
Master's and doctoral degrees 12,877

What are the fees for top-ranked Canadian universities?

The tuition fees for some of Canada's top universities are as follows:

University of Toronto: between C dollar 15,000 and C canada 57,000 a year
University of British Columbia: between C dollar 1,300 and C کانادا 52,000 a year
McGill University: between C dollar 2,200 and C canada 58,000 a year

How much does it cost to study at Canadian Vocational Technical Colleges and institutions?

In general, the cost of studying at Canadian colleges is Cheaper Than at universities. Each college in Canada has a specific tuition fee for students. The fee can vary between C dollar 13,000 and C canada 16,000 per year.

What is the fee for Canadian primary and secondary schools?

Education in Canadian Public Schools is free for Canadian citizens. However, in many cases, children of people with a work permit in Canada are also subject to this free fee. However, every school in Canada has a special tuition fee for foreign students. The annual average fee is C Dollar 16,000.

How much of the tuition can I cover by working?

The minimum income in Canada is canada 14 per hour, and the possibility of student work in Canada is 20 hours per week during student hours. Full-time work is possible when the university is closed. Single students can earn a living allowance. But married students without children, because they can work for two people,can afford to live and study. If you are married and have children, only one parent will likely be able to work. So you have to be prepared for the costs.

How much does student health insurance cost in Canada?

The cost of foreign student health insurance varies by province in Canada (average between Dollar 400 and  800 annually). For example, this cost in the province of British Columbia is  860 CAD a year.

What is Canada's most expensive city to live in?

According to Mercer in 2020, Toronto was named Canada's most expensive city to live in. The city of Vancouver also finished in second place.


Canadian Scholarship

Is a good concourse ranking effective for a Canadian Scholarship?

No, the concourse ranking doesn't affect the Canadian Scholarship. What is important is to have a high GPA, a high language score, and to have research and research records for graduate school districts.

How much is a Canadian Scholarship?

The Canadian Scholarship rate varies and can range from a thousand dollars to a few tens of thousands of dollars. The scholarship can cover part of the tuition fee or the total tuition and living expenses of the student. We suggest that you start your studies at the beginning even if you have received the lowest scholarship, because there will be many scholarship opportunities ahead of you.

Is it possible to get a Canadian Scholarship in medicine and Dentistry?

Yes, it is possible, but it only includes Canadian Indigenous students. In the medical and dental department, the entry capacity is very limited, so you can't open an account to get a scholarship. The fact is that when a person without a scholarship gets admission to these fields, he throws up his hat. Like everything else in this world, when there are limits and supply is low and demand is high, competition rises and universities offer medical and dental scholarships to only a limited number of their domestic students.

Can I apply for a scholarship after I arrive in Canada?

Yes. Universities are usually given money from large companies and organizations for research and development, and professors give part of these research projects to students based on the budget they have and grant some kind of Grant in return.

In addition to academic scholarships, every year a variety of state and non-state scholarships are available to students who can apply for them while studying at the University.

Can I get a scholarship for English or French courses in Canada?

Scholarships are not generally offered for English and French courses in Canada.

Is a language degree required for a scholarship or scholarship?

Yes, a language qualification is one of the main qualifications for a scholarship in Canada for international students, the score of which varies depending on the conditions of the scholarship.

How can we increase the chances of getting a scholarship?

Get a higher language score than the minimum required by the University
Publish authoritative scientific papers such as ISI. If you have articles, write more articles and publish them in reputable journals if possible.
Write a strong and professional motivation letter to receive a scholarship.
Get specialized certificates in your field.

Does the Mondial visa apply for a scholarship for applicants?

Yes. Visa Mondial has hundreds of successful scholarship cases for applicants and is ready to provide advice and guidance on choosing the best university and increasing the chances of getting a scholarship.

Popular fields of study in Canada

What is the best field of study in Canada?

It and computer science
Health Science and health care
Media and journalism

What are the best courses for applying in Canada?

As a foreign student who needs to obtain a Canadian student visa, choose a field that is in the same direction as your academic record and work record for applying to Canadian universities. If you do not have admission requirements for your field of study, apply for interdisciplinary courses such as business and management.

What are the easy fields of study in Canada?

Some subjects are offered at Canadian universities that have easier curricula than others. These fields include:

Sales and marketing
Human Resource Management and
Customer service
International relations
Public relations
Bachelor of Arts

What are the best Canadian college majors?

Computer and technology
Automotive and aviation
Business and administration
Health Sciences

What are the best math courses to immigrate to Canada?

Applied and Industrial Mathematics
Mathematics and statistics
Applications of Mathematics
Statistical mathematics (Actuarial Mathematics)

Master's permit of Canada

Visa with Canada

For a Canadian mobile Visa Can I complete a visa app form for all of my family members?

No. Each person must fill out their own forms for travel history and family information. In addition, depending on the type of visa you are applying for, each person in the family must fill out a special form for that type of visa. For children under 18, parents must sign their forms.

Can a spouse with a Canadian visa holder work in Canada?

Yes, most of the time your spouse can work in Canada. For this purpose, it is necessary to apply for an open Work Permit. Open work permit visa allows you to work for any type of virtual employer in Canada and does not require LMIA approval from the Canadian Ministry of Labour.

But if you have a student Visa subject to a language course, your spouse is not allowed to work during the time you are taking a prerequisite course in Canada and must apply for a work visa after completing your language course.

Can dependent children with a mobile Visa work in Canada?

It depends on the age and educational status of the children. The age of dependence of children in Canada is under the age of 22.

If your child is under the age of 18, it is better to obtain a permit or a permit to study in primary or high school. During school, it is not possible to work at the same time as in school.

If your dependent child is over 18 years of age and under 22 years of age and intends to study in Canadian colleges or universities, he must obtain a permit professor and is allowed to work 20 hours a week during his studies at the University and does not require a work visa.

If the child reaches the age of 22 and older, the child is no longer considered dependent, and the status of his visa is separate from the status of his parents ' visa.

Can parents with students work in Canada?

No. The parent accompanying the student is not allowed to work because he is staying in Canada on a tourist visa. To get a work permit, he must apply for work permit, which often requires job offers from Canadian employers.

What is a Canadian partner visa?

If you are an applicant or a Canadian student visa holder, you can take your partner with you to Canada and apply for a partner visa under the rules of the Canadian Immigration Service. A Canadian partner visa is a type of mobile tourist visa or work visa. The documents and procedures for applying for a partner visa are very similar to the one we have described in this article.

A partner is someone who lives with you but you are not legally married.

Common - Law is a form of partnerships in which both people have lived together for a period of at least 12 months, continuously and jointly, but not legally married. During this time, partners should not live separately unless their separation is temporary and short-lived, and they have been separated for some time due to family commitments or business or work trips.

Is it possible to move my student visa with my spouse's work visa?

The answer to this question is no. Your spouse's work visa depends on your student visa, and in fact, if your student visa is cancelled, they are actually cancelled. So what you have to do is first get your spouse to get an admission to study and turn their work visa into a Canadian student visa. Then, as a dependent on your spouse's student visa, you can apply for the open work permit Canada work visa and get a job.

Does an international student's child in Canada need a study permit?

Under Canadian government law, children with international Canadian students are not required to have a permit professor and can study in preschool, primary and secondary schools without a permit. But if you are outside Canada and your child is coming to Canada with you, the immigration officer may apply for a study permit at the airport, so it is best to apply for a student visa in advance.

What are Canada's policies on mobile visas?

Nearly 100,000 international students migrate to Canada from all over the world every year for higher education and post-secondary qualifications. Canada's generous immigration policies allow international students to bring their spouses and dependent children to work or study in Canada. Thus, all members of the student's first-class family can benefit from the experience of living in Canada.


Canadian permit master rules

Am I allowed to study in Canada without a permit master?‌

Special cases where you are allowed to study without a permit professor:

Shorter periods of six months ending in six months.
Your children when you have a work visa or study visa.

Will I receive an email if the permit master is cancelled?

No. You will not receive any emails. It is your duty to know the rules. The permit master is automatically invalidated if one of these two states occurs.:

The expiration date of the permit master is over.
It's been 90 days since you finished your studies.

What is maternity leave in Canada?

It will be that you can legally take maternity leave for up to 150 days during the course of study, and it will also not cost students anything and will be done for free.

What will the work permit be if I am a final semester and part-time student?

Students who have studied full-time during their semester and only study the last semester part-time due to the less remaining units of study can work full-time during the holidays before their final semester and work up to 20 hours a week (outside the university environment) during their final semester.

How to change an expired passport while studying?

You can renew your passport through the Office of the guardian of Iranian interests at the Pakistani Embassy in Washington.

Website of the Office of the guardian of Iranian interests-Washington


Work visa after studying in Canada

What is the status of a spouse's visa when applying for a post-education work permit in Canada?

When applying for a work visa after studying, if you are employed at that time, your spouse can continue to work with an open work permit visa, but if you are not employed, your spouse must change the status of his visa to a tourist visa, and whenever you are employed, he can change his visa from a tourist to a work visa again.

How much does a work visa cost after studying?

The current cost of a postgraduate work visa is C Dollar 255. This amount consists of two digits: Dollar 155 is the cost of a work permit and Dollar 100 is the cost of an open work permit or a free work visa.

Is a work visa renewable after studying?

A work visa cannot be extended beyond the duration of the study visa. When a post-study work visa is about to be completed, if the applicant intends to stay in Canada and work he / she must apply for a different type of visa.

If an applicant receives a postgraduate work visa with his / her previous degree and then another degree in Canada, can he / she apply for another postgraduate work visa?

Regardless of the number of documents obtained in Canada, people can only get a work visa after studying once.

Should post-education work visa holders be employed in a specialized job?

Holders of this type of visa can work at any job, for any employer and anywhere in Canada.

Can the applicant apply for permanent residence at the same time as applying for a post-education work visa?

Yes, the applicant can submit both applications at the same time. Post-graduation work visas are a popular way for graduates to stay in Canada to have their permanent status case reviewed.

If the student's studies were part-time only in the final semester, can he apply for a post-study work visa?

In some cases a student has one or more remaining lessons at the end of their studies and will therefore be part-time during the final semester of their studies. In this case, the student's education is considered full-time, and the work visa is not affected after his graduation.

If a student is transferred from a foreign institution to one of the Canadian institutions, can he still apply for a post-graduate work visa?

In this case, a post-graduation work visa is issued only equal to the amount of time a person has been studying in Canada. For example, if a undergraduate student spends his / her final year at a Canadian institution, he / she will receive a work visa upon graduation with a validity of up to one year.

Are the children applying for a post-graduate work visa included in this application?

The applicant's children can apply for a visitor or study visa at the same time. Documentation and additional fee will apply.

If the applicant's family was with him during his studies in Canada, can they stay in Canada during the validity of the work visa after studying?

The applicant's family must obtain another suitable visa to continue their stay in Canada so that they can also stay with the applicant in Canada at the time of the work visa after graduation.

After applying for a post-graduate work visa, can the applicant travel outside Canada and return to Canada with his / her study permit?

They are not allowed to study or work on visas and do not allow volunteers to return to Canada. If the applicant's temporary residence visa is still valid and his / her study permit is valid, he / she can return to Canada. If the post-graduation work visa is approved when the applicant is outside Canada, the applicant will enter Canada as a workforce.

Can you apply for a post-graduate work visa by studying remotely?

In general, the answer to this question is no. But during the coronavirus pandemic, the law has been temporarily changed, and students can spend their entire course of study remotely and online and still be eligible for PGWP.

Will the work visa remain valid after graduation if the passport is valid?

A work visa is valid after graduation only until the passport is valid. A post-graduation work visa application must be renewed if the validity of the passport is not in the required amount.


Permanent residence in Canada after study

Is it possible for all international students to immigrate and obtain residency in Canada through education?

No. You must meet certain requirements to apply for permanent residence in Canada after studying. For example, for some immigration programs, you need to have a course of study not less than 8 months, and the university is approved by the Canadian Immigration Service or, in other words, has a DLI.

What to do after completing your studies in Canada?

Generally, after completing your studies in Canada, your residence permit in this country expires and you must leave the country. To renew your residence in Canada, you must apply for a work permit or permit and start your permanent residence (PR) process.

How long can you stay in Canada after completing your studies?

Students with a graduation permit can stay and work in Canada for up to 3 years.

What is permanent residence after studying in Canada?

Depending on the province of your study, there are rules for residence after study. Please visit the study in Canada page and read the conditions of each province on the page for that province.

Education in the province of British Columbia
Education in the province of Alberta
Education in the province of Saskatchewan
Education in the province of Manitoba
Education in the province of Ontario
Education in the province of Quebec
Education in the province of Prince Edward
Education in the province of New Brunswick
Education in the province of Nova Scotia
Education in the province of Newfoundland and Labrador

What will happen to my visa if I drop out of school?

The University corresponds with the Canadian Immigration Service and you must leave Canada.

I have a case for residency in Canada, can I apply for education?

Yes. Of course, you should consult your advice so as not to get into trouble.

Is it possible to drop out of school and work in Canada?

Yes. Provided that you can sign a formal employment contract with a Canadian employer.

Do you need medical examinations and a certificate of non-malpractice to obtain permanent residence in Canada?

Yes. You must include all of these documents when filing your application.

Do you need to provide financial support documents to obtain permanent residence through education?

If you are applying through the Canadian Experience immigration program, you do not need to provide financial support documents.

I am employed by work permit in Canada. Is this considered a job offer?

No. Work permit is not a job offer. A job offer is a valid job offer issued by an employer that offers you a full-time job offer for one year.

Is it possible to obtain permanent residence in Canada after returning to my country?

Yes, you can apply for permanent residence in Canada as long as you meet the requirements for permanent residence through education.


Financial support for a Canadian student visa

How long is the credit card?

The validity period is one month from the time of issuance of the bank letter, but up to 40 days can also be used for a Canadian student visa.

Can a scholarship replace a bank?

If the scholarship covers the total tuition and living expenses of one year, you do not need to provide a bank deposit, but if the fund includes part of the fee, you must provide a bank deposit with sufficient inventory to cover the rest of the fee.

Will the Canadian embassy be contacted for a letter of credit on a Canadian student visa?

Yes, it is possible. Of course, this rarely happens, but you should always be prepared and not empty your account after submitting your visa file.

Is it acceptable to apply for a Canadian student visa?

Stocks like the stock exchange are not acceptable as financial facilities. Because the stock market is always fluctuating, and it's not a constant source of funding, and it may even turn negative. Remember, your financial means should be available. Stocks may be available on one day and not available on the next.

Is it possible to provide bitcoin or other digital currencies for financial support?‌

The nature of digital currencies is their dynamics. So these types of currencies are always in turmoil, and therefore they cannot be used to present to the Canadian embassy. Perhaps someday the Canadian Immigration Service issued a statement on the matter. We will definitely share it with you that day.

How can you strengthen the financial capacity of a Canadian student visa?

If you don't have enough money to pay for a year of living in Canada and you can't provide the financial support you need, it's best to ask your first-class family members, like your spouse or parents, to become your financial sponsor.

Should the financial sponsor of a Canadian student visa submit a commitment?

Yes. Only in one case do you not need to submit a financial commitment from the sponsor, and that is if your spouse is a financial sponsor.

Can I provide financial support and company account turnover?

Yes. You can offer your business or business account. Of course not as the main account to demonstrate the ability to pay tuition and cost of living in the first year. But more to show that you have a good business.

The accounts of the companies are related to the affairs of the same company and if the company goes bankrupt, for example, that account will no longer be available. Any money you show should be available. The financial capacity in the trading account, although available today, may not be tomorrow. Therefore, we do not recommend the provision of a business account as the main facility.

Does Visa Canada provide financial advice on Canadian student visas?‌
Unfortunately, no. Due to the high number of clients and the commitment of work to those loved ones, special advice on financial capacity is only provided to the clients of this company.

Is it possible to get a loan and submit a letter of financial support?‌

No. Loans in Canada or Iran cannot be offered as your financial means for obtaining a visa. Because a loan is a form of debt and is not in principle a loan of your money.

Working while studying in Canada

How much can I count on student work?

Yes. Opportunities are numerous. It's from general work, delivery work, and specialized work. The possibility of looking for a job in Canada depends on many factors. Your language level plays a very important role. But overall, the likelihood of finding a job in Canada is higher than in many other countries, and most students who are seriously looking for a job succeed in this direction. It's been a little difficult to find specialized jobs as a student in Canada, but there's a possibility of general work. These can be in restaurants or in factories and manufacturing companies. In the master's and doctoral programs, it is also possible to obtain student projects, usually universities and professors present these projects to students, and in exchange for carrying out these projects, a type of income or scholarship is awarded.

Do I have to get a license to work in Canada?

Yes. If your course has a co-op, you must apply for a co-op work permit. It is possible to apply for a permit co-op both simultaneously with a visa and after receiving the permit master and entering Canada.

How much are I allowed to work while studying in Canada?

When you are a full-time student, you can work twenty hours a week. On days when the university is closed, such as holidays between semesters and summer holidays, you will be able to work without time constraints. If you work in a university environment, you will not have a time limit. For example, if you are engaged in a university cafeteria, work full-time at the same time as you study.

Is my wife allowed to work in Canada?

Yes. As long as the main applicant is studying in academic courses, the spouse is allowed to work full-time and unconditionally.

Do you think I can find a job in Canada?

Finding work in Canada depends on the personal abilities of individuals, as well as their linguistic ability. It's definitely possible for you to find a job based on your abilities.

Can I work in Canada before I start my studies?

No. You can only work in Canada if you have started your studies. The language course is not considered to be a course of study. So be careful not to work as long as you're in the language course. Prerequisite courses, which are considered units of study, allow you to work simultaneously with your studies. If your prerequisite course is not part of the main course, you do not have the possibility to work at the time of passing the prerequisite.

Can I continue my work after completing my studies in Canada?

In general, after receiving your last grade from the university, you should stop working. To continue, you must apply for a work permit or start a new course of study. Of course, when you file your next application, your position is connected to the next application, although the result of your next application has not yet been determined, but the Canadian Immigration Service assumes that you have the position of the next application. For example, if you are applying for a post-graduate work visa, you will be able to work full-time immediately after graduation. Well, you're working and your request will be answered. If it was positive which is also a good thing, if it was negative you have to stop working.

Is it possible to drop out of school and work in Canada?

Yes. Provided that you can sign a formal employment contract with a Canadian employer.

How much can you earn by working as a student in Canada?

Students in Canada usually enjoy a minimum wage rate in the country. This amount is about Dollar 10 to  20 per hour. After tax deduction, you can earn about  200 a week and  800 a month.

What are the highest-paying student and part-time jobs in Canada?

The most profitable jobs for students in Canada are as follows:

Developer of the website
Sales representative
Delivery jobs are now also very popular jobs because they are very economical in terms of student income.

What is sin number?

Social Insurance number is a unique 9-digit national number issued to any newcomer who has received permanent residence in Canada or to those who have entered Canada with Study permit (students) or Work permit.
This number is actually the national code in Canada, which, in addition to identifying people in Canada, applies to all government services and transactions. Students and their spouses who have a Work permit can visit the nearest Service Canada office with a passport and a permit master or a permit work after entering Canada and doing basic work such as renting a house (identifying the address) and receive a sheet containing the sign number.

Student insurance in Canada

Is health insurance mandatory for studying in Canada?

Yes. The applicant must be covered by health insurance. He must purchase insurance before applying for a visa. Or that he can financially prove that he can afford health insurance.

What is the cost of health insurance in Canada for international students?

Between  600 and  900.

Do all provinces provide public health insurance?

No. The provinces of Ontario, Prince Edward, Quebec and the Yukon do not provide public health insurance to international students.

Is emergency services free in Canada?

In an emergency, all Canadian provinces provide free services, even if the patient does not have a government health card. However, depending on the immigration status of individuals, there may be significant restrictions on the services provided.

Can International students receive a health card in Canada?

The provincial health care system in Canada covers basic and preventive medical services as well as emergency care. As an international student with a valid student visa, you must be eligible for a provincial health care card in order to access these services.

Do international students in Canada need insurance?

International students in Canada are required to obtain health insurance for the duration of their stay in Canada. Some provinces offer provincial health coverage to international students, whether for free or for premium payments.

Does government insurance have a fee ceiling?

No. Government insurance in Canada does not have a cost limit and covers from a simple cold to heavy surgery at any cost.

Do government or travel insurance cover dental costs?

No. Of course, these insurance policies cover dental treatments for children under 12 years of age.

Do government or travel insurance cover emergency dental services?

Yes. If you need emergency dental services, you will be covered by government insurance.

What types of dental services are considered emergency services?

For example, you have had an accident in which your tooth is broken and you need to treat it. In this case, the treatment is covered by health insurance services.

What are the things that government insurance doesn't cover?

Dental services
Ophthalmology services
Psychiatric Services
Physical therapy, chiropractic or massage therapy services

Is state insurance coverage different for those with student visas than for those with work visas?

No. Anyone with a government insurance card can benefit from the same services.

Should those who immigrate to Canada as families apply for government insurance individually?

In these cases, one of the parents can be the main applicant and the rest of the family can be insured under the request of this person. Or that everyone applies individually. There's actually no difference in that.

Does government insurance cover the cost of childbirth?

Yes. Anyone who enters Canada on a study or work visa and receives government insurance can use free medical coverage, which covers the cost of childbirth in Canada.

Does universal health insurance cover foreign students?

No. Although the Canadian government provides universal health care for most medical services, the insurance does not cover international students.

What are the characteristics of an employer-funded insurance policy?

Those who work in Canada and were employed by the employer will be able to work in Canada while they are working in Canada. they will be able to work in Canada. he has been working in Canada for a long time. he has been working in Canada for a long time, and he has been working in Canada for a long time. She said: "I'm not going to be able to do it, but I'm not going to be able to do it.", i, i, i, i, i, i, i, i, i,

Aia for dashtne bieme karferma, dashtne bieme dolti msp is it counterproductive?

Yes. If you want to have employer insurance, you must first be covered by government insurance and then apply for employer insurance.

What are the best health insurance companies in Canada?

Male life
Sunlife Financial Corporation
GreatWest Life
Ontario Blue Cross
GMS health insurance
Life, health and dental insurance Scotland
State Farm

Cost of living in Canada

Which Canadian cities have the most expensive homes?

Canada's cities of Vancouver and Toronto have the highest rates of house prices across Canada.

How much does it cost to rent a house in Toronto Canada 2023?

The average monthly cost of renting a house in Toronto Canada for a family of 2 and 4 is as follows:

Family of 2: Dollar 1,680
Family of 4: Dollar 3,542

What is the average annual income in Canada?

The average annual income in Canada is Dollar 36,340. The average income for jobs that do not require prior experience and are useful for beginners starts at Dollar 29,565 per year,while the annual income of employees with a specific skill is  86,860 and even more.

Removal of student visa rejection

Is there any hope of a Canadian visa after the reggae?

Yes. Knowing the main reasons for the rejection of the case and resolving those reasons can give the applicant a good chance of being accepted in the next time. Never reapply for a visa without making changes to the file because you will most likely get the same result.

Does the revision of a Canadian visa affect future applications?

Yes. We at Visa Mondial believe that it is better to do the right thing from the beginning. All Mondial visa cases referred to Kurt have been successfully removed from this phase. The reason for this is because of the scenario and the documentation, and we're proud that our clients have achieved this success.

Does the Canadian Regency seal have a negative impact on the passport?

First, we have to explain that there is no Regency seal. You will only receive your visa or registry email from your account. The rijkati record will remain in the Immigration Department system forever. But does this matter? The answer is no.

What is the role of Canadian courts in Regency cases?

See, the courts don't have the ability to accept or reject the individual. The court only reviews the procedure for handling the case. Did the officer neglect to fully consider the case? Has the officer seen all the evidence on the file? Was the officer fair in the decision? Did the officer do justice to the decision? These are the factors that are dealt with in court, and if a positive result is obtained, the rijkati vote is rejected and the case is handed over to another officer for review.

What is a note Officer and why is the note Officer information not specific and accurate?

A net officer is a letter with a record of how your case is handled. In the net officer letter, you usually get more explanations than in the Regency letter. In many cases, this information is general, but in some cases, it is specifically mentioned.

Basically, the consultants and lawyers get the note to be able to prepare a defense letter for the clients based on it. The points that are written on the net officer are not necessarily correct or necessarily wrong. For example, if the officer says that the master plan is ambiguous, don't think that your master plan really has a problem or that it's the same with tie. Of course, don't be sure that it's true, and it's basically hard work in this confusion.

The net Officer Application Fee is Dollar 5.

Is it going to be Ray submitt's case to go to court?

No. Because you object to the vote, you don't re-submit anything and you defend it based on the evidence you've provided.

Does the senior re-risking re-risking?

Yes, if your master is a different orientation, your master plan and explanation and defense should be strong as to why you want to read the second master. In fact, the officer does not have enough knowledge and information in these specialized cases of disciplines and orientations and the officer must be convinced in simple language. Psychological knowledge helps you decide how to do it, and with a thorough insight and study, convince the officer that you have to take this master again and go back to your country; and of course, this varies in different disciplines.

Why does the officer still complain about not having Tie when all family members live in Iran?

Because the officer doesn't read your file accurately and it's wrong. This is very appropriate for the deadly officer and for us to pursue the objection and the court.

Does settling a court mean a certainty in obtaining a visa?

No, settling the case doesn't necessarily mean issuing a visa. After the Settle stage of the trial, Immigration Canada will ask for updated documents. If you send the documents as requested, the percentage of success for obtaining a visa is high.

Investment visa in Canada

What is the minimum investment amount in Canada?

The minimum investment amount in Canada is Dollar 100,000. Of course, the amount invested in different investment methods varies.

How much should I invest in Canada to obtain permanent residence?

The amount required to invest in your business in Canada depends on the immigration program you are looking for,which we have mentioned on the Mondial visa website (at least C Dollar 100,000). The business should also create at least one full-time job for a Canadian citizen or permanent resident.

How do I get a Canadian investment visa?

There are different requirements according to your requirements for obtaining an investment visa in Canada. But usually applicants should:

Prove the required minimum net assets. This amount varies from one another in each of the immigration programs of the Canadian provinces (at least C Dollar 300,000).
Have at least two years of management experience in their business. This work history also has its own conditions.
They intend to invest in or buy a business in a service or manufacturing business.

Can you get permanent residence in Canada by buying a property?

Buying property in Canada can be an investment and there are no restrictions on buying property for foreigners. But the important thing is that first, buying property does not lead to obtaining permanent residence in Canada, and second, foreigners have to pay more taxes on buying property than citizens or permanent residents of Canada.

Is there an age limit for obtaining a Canadian investment visa?

Depends on the investment method. In some provincial entrepreneurship programs, such as the New Brunswick provincial entrepreneurship program, there is an age limit, but in some other methods, there is no age limit.

In some ways, like the Federal self-employment method, age is a factor in scoring.

Is it necessary to have a degree to obtain an investment visa?

Most programs do not require a degree, but offering it can increase your chances of obtaining an investment visa.

Is a language score required for a Canadian investment visa?

It depends on the program and the method of investment. In some investment programs that lead to a permit work, you do not need to provide a language score from the beginning, but you will need to provide a language score later if you apply for permanent residence in Canada.

In some other investment methods, such as a Canadian start-up visa, which directly leads to permanent residence, you must provide an IELTS General score of at least 5 or equivalent from the beginning.

Can I bring my family with me?

Yes. After you have approved your investment visa in Canada, you can bring your spouse and children under the age of 21. If you apply under the Manitoba County immigration program, you can even bring your brother or sister with you.

How long does it take to get a Canadian investment visa?

It depends on the program and the investment method. On average, obtaining a Canadian investment visa may take from 6 months to 2 years.

For an investment visa, is the financial capacity calculated in free dollars or government?

It's not currently calculated in free dollars, but immigration officials know that the dollar is higher. That's why different decisions are made in different cases.

What is a hundred thousand dollars invested in Canada?

The British Columbia entrepreneurship program calls the regional pilot route A Program 100,000 investment program because the minimum investment amount for the program is  100,000.

Does it cost to submit an EoI profile?

No, EOI is not a visa application and there is no cost to create or submit a profile of “interest statement”.

With 400,000 Dollar, can two families work together through investment?

Yes, in some provincial programs like Ontario, two people can act together, but the cases are reviewed separately, and one of the cases may be rejected. Consult our consultants to do this because it's a bit complicated.

Does the canadia visa apply for the Owner Operator?

Yes, we're also working on the Owner Operator. But that doesn't mean it's a good way. This is one of the most technical methods, and everything should be anticipated from the first day and thought about all the steps from the first day when action is taken to the day when Residence is taken. Otherwise, you may buy an expensive business and it will burn and you will lose your capital. This is a very sensitive program and it has to be done carefully.

To register a company in Canada, do we have to participate in Iran?

No, there's no need for that. You can register a company in Canada from inside Iran. But you need a tax code to work in the company. In this regard, you need to share a Canadian person in your business so that you can get this code.

Canadian startup visa

How long does it take to apply for a Canadian start-up visa?‌

The duration of the proceedings is not exactly known. Experience has shown that on average, you have to wait two years. If you want to enter Canada early, you can apply for a work visa to start your business. You can get a work visa in a shorter period of time.

Do I have to invest my own money for a Canadian startup visa?

No. There is no need to invest your own money. The minimum investment required is capital provided by the subgroups of the organizations introduced.

Applicants who have agreed to their application must consider a minimum investment for their Canadian business. If your capital is financed by venture capitalists,this amount should be at least  200,000. If funded by angel investor groups,it should be at least  75,000.

Applicants do not need to be funded by incubators or growth centers. But applicants must be accepted into their programs.

What is the process of applying for a Canadian start-up visa?

First, you need to introduce your business idea to one of the organizations introduced and convince them to support your start-up. After one of these organizations has decided to support your business, they will send you a pledge to the Canadian Immigration Service and a letter of support.

The process of introducing the idea is different for each of the organizations introduced. You must correspond with the relevant organization for further information. If you qualify, you can submit your documents and application.

How do I get a letter of support from the organizations that have been introduced?

In general, your business idea should be worth supporting by the organization.

The action process is different for each organization. Some organizations will need your business plan in the first place. For more information, you should contact the relevant organization.

What do you mean by designed Canadian Venture capital funds?‌

Venture capitalist companies approved by the Immigration Department that the applicant is allowed to work with to present their business idea are called designed Canadian venture capital fund. Contact us for a full group list.

What do you mean by designed Canadian Angel investor groups?

Like the previous case, angel investor groups are approved to allow the applicant to share their idea with them and apply for residency through a startup visa if they are accepted. Contact us for a full group list.

Is it possible to get support from two sponsors?

Yes. But you have to get a total of the minimum amount of investment for a group that has a higher amount as capital, and one of them has to play a major role. For example, if two approved companies in angel are interested in your idea and are planning to invest, they should invest a total of ۷ 75,000. For example, if an angel company and a venture company are going to invest in your idea together, a total of at least ۲ 200,000 should be invested.

Receiving support from several investor organizations

Applicants can receive support from several designated organizations, called syndicates. In this case, all supporting organizations together issue only one certificate of commitment and one letter of support to applicants.

As soon as a venture capitalist company invests in a business,that business's overall minimum investment will be Dollar 200,000, even if an angel investor group invests in the same business.

If the business is supported by one of the angel investor groups, but does not receive support from venture capitalist companies,the minimum total amount to be invested in that business will be Dollar 75,000.

Can any business enter the Canadian startup program?‌

No. Your business should be one of those businesses that has high growth potential.

How do I make sure investment firms are reputable and should they give me a letter?

The list of companies is posted on the Canadian Immigration Service website. If the investment companies agree to your idea, they will send you a letter and a letter to the Immigration Department, and then you can start your work for permanent residence in Canada through the start-up program.

How many applicants can immigrate to Canada through a business plan?

Up to 5 applicants. Of course, setting up the idea needs to be introduced to the people. Each person is carefully checked by the Immigration Service and must meet the minimum requirements listed above. They must also each have at least 10% of the company's voting rights.

Important: if one of the applicants in this program is rejected by the officer, all other people will be rejected.

Is the applicant required to launch the desired idea after obtaining permanent residence in Canada?

No. If he receives permanent residence in this procedure, there will be no liability for him when he arrives in Canada.

Do you need to have a medical examination for a Canadian start-up visa?

Yes. Medical examinations are mandatory for you and your family members.

Who is reviewing my Canadian start-up visa case?

First, the organization you're looking for will check the efficiency of your business.

Next, The Canadian immigration service will review your case after you have received the necessary support from the organization.

At the end your case may also be reviewed by an independent individual.

Is there a form that can be completed to receive a letter of support from the organization?

No. To get a letter of support, you need to convince the organizations that your business idea is worth supporting. To do this, you should correspond with the relevant organization and get more information.

Can members of an entrepreneurial team All immigrate to Canada together on a startup visa?

Yes. Up to five people can act as owners of a business.

What happens if I emigrate to Canada through a startup visa and then my business fails?

If your business fails, there will be no change in your permanent residence status. The Canadian government understands that not every business necessarily succeeds, and the program is designed to divide its risk between the public and private sectors.

Should my business idea be in line with my degree and work history?

No, there is no need. Sometimes in the teams that are formed, each member of the group has a special expertise, and everyone carries out a single idea.

Canadian visa (ICT)

Is it possible to change your company in Canada with an ICT work visa?

No, in the event of a company change that will lead to an employer change or a job change, you will need to apply for a new work visa.

Will the spouse of an ICT work visa be able to work in Canada?

Yes, their spouses can get a work visa and their children can study for free in Canadian public schools.

How many years can a Canadian intra-company transfer visa be renewed?

At once, it is possible to renew an ICT visa for 2 to 3 years, and in general, it is possible to renew for 7 years. Of course, certain conditions are needed to extend it.

Does the ICT visa holder have to meet the objectives set in the business plan after entering Canada?

Business plan is not binding and business owners will not be responsible for this if they cannot achieve the goals set in their business plan.

Is a language score required for an ICT work visa?

Business owners generally do not need to provide a language qualification but if they wish to send their key staff to Canada through an intra-corporate transfer program, such staff may be required to provide an English or French language score to prove they are eligible for the proposed job in Canada.

What happens if the Canadian company'S ICT program is not profitable in the first year?

There is no legal requirement for profitability. Building a profitable company takes time. But the Canadian company must be active in its business, that is, provide services or goods to its customers inside or outside Canada.

Canada entrepreneurship visa

Does a Canadian entrepreneurship visa have an age requirement?

Most Canadian provincial entrepreneurship programs do not have an age limit, but age can be a factor in scoring. By contrast, some entrepreneurship programs such as the New Brunswick entrepreneurship program have an age limit of 22 to 55 years.

What is the state of entrepreneurship in Canada?

The entrepreneurial situation in Canada is stable and relatively strong, with business start-ups increasing dramatically since 2001. Of course, during the coronavirus era, the entrepreneurial situation in the country, like other countries in the world, was somewhat challenged, but since 2021, its situation has been gradually improving.

How long is the Canadian entrepreneurship visa?

The waiting time in the lottery pool is usually 6 months and the time for the case to be reviewed in the provincial stage is usually 3 to 4 months. That's how long it takes to file a case with the federal immigration service to get an entrepreneurial visa and get a two-year work permit, usually 3 to 6 months. In the process of applying for permanent residence, it usually takes one year to obtain a provincial selection certificate or provincial nomination.

The duration of an entrepreneurial visa depends on several factors, such as the conditions of the provincial and federal immigration offices, the type of entrepreneurship program, and the country from which you apply for a visa.

Which Canadian provinces currently have entrepreneurship programs?

British Columbia (regional pilot and strategic projects)
Nova Scotia
New Brunswick
Newfoundland and Labrador
Prince Edward Island
Which Canadian provinces have temporarily closed their entrepreneurship programs?

Entrepreneurship program of the province of Quebec

The main entrepreneurship program of British Columbia by April 1, 2023

Canada's provincial investment programs

Investing in British Columbia

What is the minimum language score required for the British Columbia core entrepreneurship program?

A grade equivalent to CLB 4 in English or French is required for the British Columbia core entrepreneurship program.

Is an expedition required for The Dollar 200,000 British Columbia program?

No, exploration travel is not required for this program, but it is highly recommended that you do it.

What is the minimum capital requirement for British Columbia's core entrepreneurship program?

The minimum capital required for British Columbia's core entrepreneurship program is ۲ 200,000.

What are the characteristics of business plan in the British Columbia entrepreneurship program?

In the business plan you provide for this program, you should consider the following::

Describe the business model and how it is implemented؛
Describe the types of goods or services that the proposed business offers؛
Explain the title of the proposed job and related duties, as well as how your professional qualifications relate to the proposed business؛
Describe the proposed business strategy for entering the market؛
In addition to the above, if you buy a pre-existing business, include the following in the business plan:

Identify and describe the target business including its employees؛
Briefly describe the performance of the company with approximate annual income and net profit over the past two years؛
Comment on the background of the business and its financial health؛
Explain how you have determined the value of the business.

What are the business conditions for immigration to British Columbia?

The economy of British Columbia is influenced by the activity of free markets and private companies, so it is relatively easy to establish or expand a business and carry out business activities in it. The provincial and federal governments are fully aware of the need and benefits of attracting foreign investment in the province, so they have worked hard over ten years to reduce the amount of laws and regulations that affect businesses and investments in British Columbia.

Is the language score required for the British Columbia Strategic Projects Program?

No, you don't need a language score for this program, but you need to be proficient enough in English or French to convince the B.C. provincial immigration officer and the Canadian federal immigration officer that you have the ability to do business in British Columbia.

What is the minimum qualification required for the British Columbia Strategic Projects Program?

The entrepreneurship plan for Strategic Projects does not specify at least a degree. So you can apply for this program with a diploma.

Is the British Columbia strategic project plan based on scoring?

No, this program doesn't have a scoring system. If the company and its key employees are eligible for the program they will receive an invitation from the province.

In the British Columbia strategic project method can the families of the company's key employees accompany them?

Yes, the spouse of the company's key employee can apply for an open work permit visa at the same time. Children under 22 can also apply for a mobile visa.


Investments in Ontario

What is the minimum initial capital of the Ontario entrepreneurship program?

The minimum capital for businesses outside the Greater Toronto area is Dollar 200,000.

How long is the Ontario entrepreneurship program?

On average،
EOI application review period, less than 30 days،
OINP entrepreneurship case review period: two to three months (depends on the complexity of the case)
Duration of review of the work permit Case: 2 to 4 months

The duration of the proceedings may be less or more than the stated period under certain circumstances, such as: the Ontario Immigration Service or the federal immigration service, applying from inside or outside Canada, or the country from which you apply.

Does the Ontario entrepreneurship program need a job?

No. In the Ontario entrepreneurship program, you either start a business in the province or buy a pre-existing business, and so you don't need to have a job creation.

What is the minimum work experience required for the Ontario entrepreneurship program?

The minimum required experience is 2 years of ownership or senior business management experience in your country, which must have been gained over the past 60 months.

Is it necessary to start a business after obtaining an Ontario entrepreneurship visa?

Yes. After obtaining the permit and entering Canada, you must fulfill the obligations of the executive agreement with the province and start or develop a proposed business.


Investments in New Brunswick

What is the timing of the New Brunswick entrepreneurship program?

The application review process in the New Brunswick business immigration program takes an average of between 8 and 12 months.

How much does it cost to review a case in the New Brunswick entrepreneurship program?

The province of New Brunswick receives C دلار 2,000 to investigate the case and has no refund.

What are the major cities to invest in in New Brunswick?

Saint John

What is the minimum initial capital for the New Brunswick entrepreneurship program?

150,000 Canadian dollars

If I have received an invitation for the previous New Brunswick entrepreneurship program, is this also valid for the new New Brunswick business immigration program?

Yes, of course, you have 90 days to send your app to the province since the invitation was issued.

If I start a business in New Brunswick for a year, will I automatically be issued a provincial nomination certificate?

No, to receive provincial nomination, you must have fulfilled all the obligations of the executive agreement with the province and then send your application form to the province.

Is it easy to obtain permanent residence in New Brunswick?

The answer to this question is yes, it is one of the easiest provinces in Canada to obtain permanent residence. The province of New Brunswick responds quickly to applicants who meet the specific economic and labor market needs of the province.

Is it necessary to invest in the province before obtaining a work visa for the New Brunswick entrepreneurship program?

No, it is recommended that you do not do this until you have received your work permit visa.

Is exploration travel mandatory for the New Brunswick investment program?

No, exploration travel to New Brunswick is not required, but it is highly recommended to prepare a business plan and explore business opportunities in the province.

Is it possible to buy a business ready in the New Brunswick business immigration program?

Yes, but you should also have the conditions to buy a ready-made business.

Should he reside in the province of New Brunswick when applying for a Canadian permanent residence visa?

Yes, you must be present in the province of New Brunswick 75% of your time and start and operate a business until you receive permanent residence in Canada.


Investments in the province of Saskatchewan

What industries are the major economies of Saskatchewan based on?

Agriculture and important industries in the field of natural resources such as forestry and Fisheries

How long is the Saskatchewan entrepreneurship program?

Since the case was completed, it has taken almost 14 weeks to review the entrepreneurship case at the provincial immigration office. Of course, the duration of the examination depends on many factors, and the duration of the examination varies depending on the conditions of the Saskatchewan provincial immigration office, the country you are applying for, whether the case is completed or not, etc.

How much does it cost to review the Saskatchewan province investment visa case?

The cost of an investment case review at the Saskatchewan provincial immigration office is 2,500,and the cost of a work permit visa review is  255 per person.

Does the Saskatchewan entrepreneurship program need jobs?

No, in this program, the entrepreneur himself establishes or buys a business and does not need a job offer.

Is exploratory travel mandatory for the Saskatchewan entrepreneurship program?

Exploratory travel is only necessary if you buy business in the province or build a business in rural areas of the province.


Investments in Alberta

Do Alberta's entrepreneurial programs need a job?

No. For any of Alberta's entrepreneurship programs, you have to start a business and own part of that business. So you don't need to have a job offer in advance.

Can you change your province after obtaining an Alberta Investment visa?

No, because to get the permit work, you need to have a letter of support from the province of Alberta, and you commit to starting your business there after entering the province and fulfilling the obligations of the performance agreement with the province.

What are the major cities to invest in in Alberta?

Calgary Calgary
Edmonton Edmonton
Red Deer
St. Albert St. Albert
Fort McMurray
Lethbridge Lethbridge
Grande Prairie
Okotoks Okotoks
Leduc Leduc
Sylvan Lake
Lacombe Lacombe

What are the important sectors to invest in Alberta?

The sectors of technology, financial services, tourism, aviation and logistics (manufacturing and distribution of materials and products) are among the most important economic sectors for investment in Alberta.

Is it easy to immigrate to the province of Alberta?

Depending on the applicant's circumstances, immigration to the province of Alberta may be simple or difficult. To make the right decision and make your immigration process easier, it is best to first assess your situation correctly and choose one of the investment methods that matches your situation. Any wrong decision can make the process of moving to Alberta difficult for you.

How many immigrants enter Canada every year?

On average,more than 400,000 people arrive in the province of Alberta every year as immigrants, according to data from the Canadian Bureau of Statistics.


Investments in Manitoba

Does the MPNP issue an invitation for the applicant's expedition?

No. Exploratory travel is not required for the Manitoba entrepreneurship program, but if you wish to do so, the visa visitor is the applicant's own responsibility, and the Manitoba MPNP does not issue an invitation to obtain a visitor visa.

If the language qualification expires, is it possible to submit an EOI with that expired qualification to provide a new grade after that?

No, at the time of filling out the self-assessment form of the Manitoba entrepreneurship program you need to have a valid language qualification.

How long does it take to respond to EOI requests in the Manitoba entrepreneurship program?

From the date of submission of the application, the MPNP is obliged to respond to EOI requests within 4 weeks.

What is the timing of Manitoba's entrepreneurship program?

The average time to review applications for the Manitoba entrepreneurship program is about 12 to 15 months.

How much does it cost to review a case in the Manitoba entrepreneurship program?

MPNP receives C Dollar 2,500 to investigate the case and does not have a refund.

If you are rejected from the immigration programs of other provinces, is it possible to apply for the investment program of the province of Manitoba?

Yes, even with a registry from other provinces, you can still apply for the Manitoba investment program, but you need to provide all the documents and information about your registry to the MPNP.

Do you have to create jobs for the Manitoba entrepreneurship program?

Yes, it is necessary to create at least one full-time job for Canadian citizens or permanent residents. The applicant's spouse and children are not included in this category.

What is the minimum initial capital of Manitoba's entrepreneurship program?

The minimum required capital is Dollar 150,000 for businesses outside the central Manitoba region.

What are the main industries to invest in Manitoba province?

Agriculture, tourism, electricity, oil, mining and forestry

What are the important cities to invest in Manitoba?

As the capital of the province of Manitoba, Winnipeg is a great place to start a business.


Investments in Nova Scotia

Is a language score required for the Nova Scotia entrepreneurship plan?

Yes, to qualify for this program you need to have a minimum language score at Level 5 CLB in English or French.

How much does it cost to review a case in the Nova Scotia entrepreneurship program?

Nova Scotia does not charge for reviewing entrepreneurial applications, but you must pay for the necessary documents for the program, such as the evaluation of educational documents, the language test, the evaluation of the amount of net assets, and the translation of documents.

What is the timing of the Nova Scotia entrepreneurship program?

The duration of the review of applications for the Nova Scotia entrepreneurship program depends on the time required to confirm the file documents, as well as on the volume of applications received.

What are the main industries and sectors to invest in Nova Scotia province?

Aerospace, agricultural/ marine foods, biotechnology, culture, energy, forestry, ICT, manufacturing, mining, ocean-related technology

What should the business plan in the Nova Scotia entrepreneurship program cover?

Specify the industry or business area within it.
Provide a description of the business.
Business ownership information to be provided such as partner profiles and property owner profiles
Specify the proposed location for the business therein.
Provide details of the geographical (local, regional and national) coverage of the business.

Is an exploratory visit required for Nova Scotia's investment program?

Exploratory visits are required for applicants to purchase one of the existing businesses in the province instead of starting a new business. Applicants must enter a report of their visit as part of the business establishment plan. The report must cover the entire length of stay in Canada (including time spent in other provinces) and must include the following:

Duration of residence in Canada
Names of providers of specialized services for businesses or organizations related to accommodation and deployment that are visited during the trip, along with their mailing address, telephone number and email address
Description of the activity or visit and its relation to the applicant's accommodation or to the start of his / her business
Copies of airline tickets, passports and hotel receipts
Copies of business cards collected from contacts and business service providers during the visit
Details of visits to existing business locations and any meetings with current owners

Investing in the Yukon

What is the minimum initial capital of the Yukon entrepreneurship program?

For the Yukon trading program you must invest at least ۳ 300,000 and own at least a third of the proposed business shares.

How much does it cost to review a case in the Yukon entrepreneurship program?

It does not cost to review the case in the Yukon entrepreneurship program.

Is exploration travel mandatory for the Yukon business plan?

Exploratory travel is not required for the Yukon entrepreneurship program, but it will lead to additional points.

What documents are required to obtain the Yukon provincial nomination certificate?

End-of-year financial statements
Personal rental receipts or mortgage statements
The receipts of the gas utility bills.
Business lease receipt or mortgage payment
Receipts for water, electricity and gas bills for business premises
List of suppliers and business customers
Other documentation required by YBNP

How long does it take to obtain permanent residency in Canada in the Yukon business program?

From the time you receive all the necessary documents, it usually takes 18 months to obtain permanent residence in Canada.


Investments in northwestern regions

How much does it cost to review a case in the Northwest regions of Canada entrepreneurship program?

The cost of reviewing the case in the Northwest regions of Canada business plan is  2,800.

What is the timing of obtaining permanent residence in Canada through the Northwest regions business plan?

The process of taking action and obtaining permanent residency in the Northwest regions of Canada business plan is in approximately two years.

What are the main industries to invest in the Northwest regions of Canada?

Agriculture, fishing, manufacturing, natural resources such as mining, oil and gas, tourism and the film industry

What should business plan include in the northwest Canada plan?

The business plan should include the following but not limited to:

Name of the proposed business and a description of the business concept
Information on business ownership, partnerships, ownership and voting rights
Industry or proposed area of business
Proposed position for the business
Housing programs in the northern regions
Management achievements of the applicant in relation to the proposed business
The amount of the proposed investment and explain how to use that amount
Budgets and projected expenses for starting a business
Preliminary financial data and financial plan (if applicable)
Number of jobs to be created for NWT residents
Market research and all accompanying Analyses
List of previously or future scheduled visits to northern regions (if applicable)
Any preparation and training for entrepreneurship in the northern regions including course titles and institution names (if applicable)
Names of organizations, postal addresses, telephone and email numbers of suppliers of specialized business services with which the applicant has been associated and has established an active working relationship or monetary agreement.
A summary of people who have been contracted or consulted to prepare or interpret a business plan, along with the name, name of the organization, postal address, e-address and phone number of each of them

Investments in Newfoundland and Labrador

What is the timing of the Newfoundland and Labrador entrepreneurship program?

The duration of the review of applications for the Newfoundland and Labrador entrepreneurship program depends on the time required to confirm the file documents, as well as on the volume of applications received.

How much does it cost to review a case in the Newfoundland and Labrador entrepreneurship program?

The cost of reviewing apps in the Newfoundland and Labrador foreign entrepreneurs method is  1,000.

What is the minimum initial capital for the Newfoundland and Labrador foreign entrepreneurs program?

200,000 Canadian dollars

What are the main areas for entrepreneurship in Newfoundland and Labrador?

Agriculture aquaculture technology and natural resources such as oil and gas and mining

Is it possible to have a partner in the Newfoundland and Labrador investment program?

Yes, with the main person in mind, up to 10 people can participate through an app for the province's investment program. They can be Canadian citizens, permanent residents of Canada, or foreigners.

Business purchase visa in Canada

Do you have to be in Canada to apply for an LMIA license in the Owner Operator Program?

No. You can also apply for LMI approval from outside Canada.

Should he be physically present after buying a business in Canada?

Yes. As a business owner, you are expected to actively manage your business in Canada, so your presence in Canada is required.

Should he be committed to hiring Canadians after buying a business in Canada?

Yes. One of the main conditions for buying a business in Canada and getting an LMIA license, followed by a work permit, is to create job opportunities for Canadians. Failure to fulfill this condition can negatively affect your work visa extension and your application for permanent residence in Canada.

Can you sell your business after receiving permanent residence in Canada?

You must guarantee to the Immigration Service of Canada that you will still have your business for up to a year after receiving permanent residence. But after that time, you can sell it.

How long does it take to get a Canadian work visa through a business purchase?

After finding the right business in Canada, it usually takes 2 to 3 months to get an LMIA license, and after applying for a Canadian work visa, it usually takes 4 to 6 months to get it. Of course, depending on the circumstances of the Canadian embassy, this time may be shorter or longer.

The cost of studying in Canada

How much is the tuition fee for Canadian universities?

The tuition fees for Canadian universities are between Undergraduate 10,000 and 20,000 for undergraduates and 13,000 and Senior 25,000 for postgraduates. In the doctoral program, between ۵ 5,000 and۵ 15,000. Tuition fees for some universities will be paid before obtaining a visa and for others after entering Canada and registering with the relevant institution.

How much have Canadian universities paid for foreign students in the past five years?

Location Education Annual tuition
(Canadian dollar)
All of Canada Undergraduate 22,346
Master's and doctoral degrees 14,520
Newfoundland and Labrador Undergraduate 9,360
Master's and doctoral degrees 2,810
Prince Edward Island Undergraduate 22,146
Master's and doctoral degrees 10,586
Nova Scotia Undergraduate 14,705
Master's and doctoral degrees 16,601
New Brunswick Undergraduate 13,125
Master's and doctoral degrees 10,432
Quebec Undergraduate 20,269
Master's and doctoral degrees 14,330
Ontario Undergraduate 27,627
Master's and doctoral degrees 19,928
Manitoba Undergraduate 14,385
Master's and doctoral degrees 10,032
Saskatchewan Undergraduate 18,096
Master's and doctoral degrees 5,513
Alberta Undergraduate 20,412
Master's and doctoral degrees 8,993
British Columbia Undergraduate 20,485
Master's and doctoral degrees 12,877

What are the fees for top-ranked Canadian universities?

The tuition fees for some of Canada's top universities are as follows:

University of Toronto: between C Dollar 15,000 and C canada 57,000 a year
University of British Columbia: between C Dollar 1,300 and C canada 52,000 a year
McGill University: between C Dollar 2,200 and C canada 58,000 a year

How much does it cost to study at Canadian Vocational Technical Colleges and institutions?

In general, the cost of studying at Canadian colleges is Cheaper Than at universities. Each college in Canada has a specific tuition fee for students. The fee can vary between C Dollar 13,000 and C canada 16,000 per year.

What is the fee for Canadian primary and secondary schools?

Education in Canadian Public Schools is free for Canadian citizens. However, in many cases, children of people with a work permit in Canada are also subject to this free fee. However, every school in Canada has a special tuition fee for foreign students. The annual average fee is C Dollar 16,000.

How much of the tuition can I cover by working?

The minimum income in Canada is canada 14 per hour, and the possibility of student work in Canada is 20 hours per week during student hours. Full-time work is possible when the university is closed. Single students can earn a living allowance. But married students without children, because they can work for two people,can afford to live and study. If you are married and have children, only one parent will likely be able to work. So you have to be prepared for the costs.

How much does student health insurance cost in Canada?

The cost of foreign student health insurance varies by province in Canada (average between Dollar 400 and  800 annually). For example, this cost in the province of British Columbia is canada 860 CAD a year.

What is Canada's most expensive city to live in?

According to Mercer in 2020, Toronto was named Canada's most expensive city to live in. The city of Vancouver also finished in second place.

Self-employed visa for artists and athletes

What does a world-class athlete or artist mean?‌

It means that the athlete or artist is known globally or operates at the highest level of that discipline, as well as that other colleagues know him at the same level. In some sports or activities that are not very popular, there are rules that support these people, and even though they are not globally recognized, it is enough to be at the highest level of your field.

How can I prove my willingness in the Canadian self-employment program to start a personal job with the officer?

There are several ways to do this, and we recommend that you consult your immigration advisor. But if we want to mention some of them, we can mention a previous trip to Canada or having a strong business plan or finding business partners in Canada or having business experience in the field, as well as the level of English or French.

How can I prove my desire in the Canadian self-employment program to be willing and able to contribute specifically to a particular business activity in Canada?

Artists and athletes in this field you have to convince the officer that you will continue your activity after entering Canada and you will start a business through it. In the case of farmers, they must prove that they have the capacity to buy a farm in Canada and know all the minor issues of farm management in Canada, such as Canadian geography, water and soil issues and agricultural laws in Canada.

How do I prove to the officer that I have the ability to provide special assistance to the Canadian economy?

This case is highly specialized and differs from the other case in each case. Consult your advisor in this regard.

Canadian tourist visa

Who needs a Canadian tourist visa?

Many travelers need visitor visas to enter Canada which usually fall into four categories:

People who plan to visit relatives and friends؛
People who want to enter Canada for leisure and tourism؛
People who intend to enter the country to check business positions. This type of visa is also called a business visit visa and
People who enter Canada Airport in transit and want to go to another country.

Are medical tests required for a Canadian tourist visa?

Medical tests are not required for a Canadian tourist visa, but if you apply for a Canadian immigration service, you must have medical tests approved by them.

Medical problems and background problems can lead to the rejection of a Canadian tourist visa.

How do I increase my chances of getting a Canadian tourist visa?

You can increase your chances of this type of visa by considering the following and adding them to your tourist file:

Getting a Schengen visa and traveling to Schengen countries in Europe
Travel to other countries of the world
Increase assets and properties in your country such as houses land apartments shops expensive cars etc
Increased financial capacity whose source is known
Provide documentation that further demonstrates your professional, social and emotional dependence on your country.

Can you apply for a Canadian tourist visa?

With a Canadian tourist visa, you cannot obtain permanent residence in Canada directly, but you must first change it to a student visa or work visa and apply for permanent residence in Canada after a period of at least one year of work experience.

Which countries can you travel to on a Canadian tourist visa?

Iranians can travel to other countries with a multi-Canadian visa in addition to Canada itself



Costa Rica

Antigua and Barbuda Islands




Dominican Republic


British Virgin Islands

Turks and Caicos Islands

North Macedonia




How valid is a Canadian tourist visa?

Single or one-time tourist visas are valid for 6 months.

Multiple entry or multiple entry tourist visas may be valid for 5 years, 10 years, or a month prior to the expiration date of the passport.

How long can I stay in Canada on a tourist visa?

When you arrive at Canada Airport on a tourist visa and hand over your passport to the immigration officer, they may include a stamp on your passport or they may not do so. In either case, after entering Canada, the maximum time you can stay in the country is 6 months, and be careful that you must leave the country after the end of 6 months.

Sometimes the immigration officer decides to specify the date of your departure from the country. In this case, it issues a letter similar to the permit master (pictured below) and specifies the time of your departure from Canada and records it in the system.

As you can see in the image above, the officer has set the deadline for residence in Canada as September 30, 2023, and the tourist visa holder must leave Canada on this date at the latest.

If you do not want to leave Canada after the 6-month deadline and intend to stay in the country longer, you must apply for an extension or visa extension. It is possible to extend these six months from within Canada by presenting your passport with all the entry stamps and having compelling reasons. At the request of the visa extension, the officer issues a document called visitor Record and specifies the date of the next exit.

In situations where you intend to accompany your student with a tourist visa (with a student visa) and the duration of his studies lasts at least one year, in this case, so that you do not need to renew after 6 months, the immigration officer will issue you a record visitor letter from the very beginning and specify the date of your departure, which is usually equal to the date of your child's completion of his studies.

Can you work on a Canadian tourist visa?

No, you are not allowed to work in Canada on a tourist visa.

Can you get married on a tourist visa in Canada?

You can apply for a Canadian tourist visa to marry a citizen or permanent resident of Canada. Since the duration of this type of visa is a little long and may take more than 6 months, there is therefore fear that the tourist visa will expire.

In these circumstances, when you are waiting for a permanent residence visa through marriage, apply for an extension of your tourist visa before expiring, so that you can get a record visitor and stay in Canada longer.

What is it like to have a baby in Canada on a tourist visa? Does a child become a Canadian citizen?

One of the benefits of a Canadian tourist visa is that you can enter Canada with this visa and have your child there. Under Canadian citizenship law, babies born to foreigners are considered Canadian citizens and can enjoy the benefits of citizenship.

Is a Canadian tourist visa renewable?

If the validity period of your tourist visa expires, this visa is no longer renewable and if you wish to have a Canadian tourist visa, you must apply for this type of visa again.

But if you are in Canada and your tourist visa is still valid but the length of stay (maximum 6 months per arrival) has expired, then you can apply for an extension of your stay or apply for a record visitor by providing sufficient reasons.

Does a Canadian tourist visa have an age limit?

Applying for a Canadian tourist visa is not age restricted, but due to the specific conditions required for this type of visa, single and young people do not have much chance if they want to apply for this type of visa alone unless they apply as a person with other types of Canadian visas.

If you are in Canada on a tourist visa, can you apply for a supervisor?

No, you must leave Canada to apply for a Canadian super visa.

Are the children of the Canadian visitor allowed to study in Canadian schools?

No. You must apply for a student visa for your child.

Is it necessary to have a Schengen visa or a visa for other countries to obtain a tourist visa?

No. But your visa history helps you get a Canadian tourist visa. This can show the officer that you don't intend to stay in Canada.

Do I need to hire a lawyer for a Canadian tourist visa?‌

You do not have to hire a lawyer for any type of visa. But if you decide to use the services of lawyers or advisors, you should definitely get help from lawyers or legal advisors. According to the Immigration Department's order to use the services of Immigration Lawyers, any payment to agencies, centers without the approval of the Immigration Department and unverified persons can lead to the rejection of your case.

10-year super visa for parents

What is the difference between a Canadian super visa and a Canadian tourist visa?

The super visa is issued for a period of 10 years, and you can stay in Canada for a maximum of 5 years at each entry without extending the status, but with a Canadian tourist visa, you can only stay in the country for 6 months at each entry.

Is it possible to convert a visitor visa to a Canadian super visa?

No, if you have a visitor visa and want to apply for a Canadian super visa, you need to apply for a super visa separately again.

Can you apply for a Canadian super visa from inside Canada?

No, if you are in Canada on a visa and want to apply for a super visa, you must leave Canada and apply for this type of visa outside Canada.

Is a medical test required for a Canadian super visa?

Yes, parents or grandparents should have a medical test and be physically healthy if they apply for a Canadian family visa.

Is it necessary to obtain a certificate of impairment for a Canadian super visa?

The answer to this question is yes. You must have no problem with criminal records for a Canadian parent visa.

Is the Canadian super visa only issued to parents?

No, in addition to parents, grandparents of a Canadian citizen or permanent resident can also apply for this type of visa.

Is health insurance required for a Canadian super visa?

Yes, for a super visa you will need to get medical insurance, the validity period of which must be at least one year from the time you arrive in Canada and cover at least Dollar 100,000.

Is the Canadian super visa a temporary residence visa?

Yes, this type of visa is valid for 10 years and therefore temporary.

Can I apply for a super visa from inside Canada instead of my parents?

The answer to this question is no. You cannot apply for your parents ' super visa from inside Canada.

Should the Canadian super visa invitation be Notarized?

If the Canadian Immigration Service is required, the Canadian invitation to parents must be approved in the official Canadian offices or Notarized.

Rules for entering Canada after obtaining a visa

My friend asked me to take a suitcase to Canada, would I accept it?‌

When you import a person's goods into Canada, it's exactly like they belong to you. The officer may ask you the contents of the bag or luggage. The responsibility for anything illegal will also be directly with you.

I'm going to travel to Iran while I'm a student in Canada. What documents should I have on my return to Canada?

Be sure to check the expiration date of your passport and permit master or permit work. If these documents have expired at the time of return, you will not be able to enter Canada. Also, if you are a student, bring your own academic record to show that you have followed the student rules.

How is a visitor visa for family members?

Having a permit master or a permit work is not a guarantee that you will be granted a visa with other family members. But if you are studying or working in Canada, you can send an invitation to your family members to apply for a Canadian tourist visa. Most colleges and universities have pre-prepared letters that will be issued to you with your application. You can present this letter as a document showing the Immigration Service your residence status.

What is the difference between a visa and a permit master?

Are you out of Canada or are you planning to travel to Canada during your studies or career? Be careful. You need a permit master or a permit work and a labeled visa on your passport. If you do not have a visa, you will not be able to return to Canada.

Can I travel to other countries on a student visa?

Definitely yes. Just be careful to apply for a visa in advance if you travel to countries that require a visa.

For example, if you are planning to travel to Europe, you should apply for a visa from the consular office in Canada.

You do not have to apply for a tourist visa to travel to Mexico or Cuba, and you will be able to enter these countries automatically with a Canadian visa. Of course not to work or get permanent residence and only for tourist trips.

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